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Originally Posted by ChilliJon:

 Screw the rankings. This run D has been playing lights out. 


Green Bay (8th) ranks better than St Louis (16th) in EVERY defensive statistical category

Defense Rankings 


And who has the running game that should be feared? 

Green Bay is ranked 3rd in rushing with 545 yds

St Louis is ranked 23rd in rushing with 378 yds


I'm EMBRACING the rankings


Last edited by BartManDude

I have been a nervous nelly about this game when I read all the hype about the Rams D front 4. I have also been worried about Gurley out on screens etc. The Rams D reminded that a good D who cover well can beat us. Also, I thought about how many injuries have us less than 100%. I have a bad feeling about this game yet I think Aaron pulls us out of it fine if we don't have any more significant injuries. Lots of short passes and Lacy to start our offense on a roll and make them play catch up later in the game. "Gurley Man" gets outgained by "Lacy Boy". Austin has one long ball and Aaron gets a lot of sacks and hurries. I remember that the knock on Ty was that he drops the long ball a lot and after a few drops Aaron finds other receivers to move the chains. I see Abby catching his first long pass and Mason wins the game for us.

GB 24-SL 21

Originally Posted by Goldie:

I just hate all the stats Aaron has at Lambeau, no int's to TD's, game wins......the talking heads keep mentioning it and I wish they'd just shut up about em, jinx???? ugh......

My thoughts exactly! It reminds me of a friend who used to actually put a dent in his brand new car "Just to get it over with" and not worry about it anymore.

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