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Why has no one at 1265 Lombardi noticed that NE has the number 1 offense in the league in large part becasue they have decided to run the ball at defenses hell bent at stopping Brady and their passing game?

191 rushes against 185 pass attempts after 5 weeks. And the great Stevan Ridley is currently 4th in the NFL in yardage!

GB after 5 games. 190 pass attempts against 111 carries.

I know MM and AR believe they can throw this offense out of the fog that they are currently in. But why try? This offense will get better as soon as they commit to running it between the tackles 25 times minimum each game.

16 rushing attempts yesterday against a 6 man front is simply refusing to accept it might be time for plan B.
Originally posted by ShebPackFan:
Why is there no killer instinct on this team? This team needs to step on the throats on the other team and not let up.

Not sure who it was, but one of the post game hosts on the radio stated this is why the Packers lost.

Rather than run the ball to chew up clock time, the Packers decided to step on the Colt's throat and pass pass pass.... definitely a different take on things!
We aren't at Defcon 4 on MM yet, but in case we head in that direction I offer as a public service this 2009 Timesfour thread as some already written material that some might want to reuse:

Below are some choice excerpts that posters here might want to use or expand upon for this year:

"TT screwed the pooch on the offensive line."

"How in god's name didn't you blitz the **** out of the rookie QB..."

"running backs didn't get the ball nearly enough"

"Trade or cut Rodgers...He just cannot trust himself to get rid of the damn ball"

(and that's just the first page of the 14 page thread---and in all candor you will read I also was calling for MM head's in midseason 2009.... guess now I will wait out the season! Smiler )
I have to keep reminding myself that despite their 2-3 record they've had just about everything go wrong for them this year, including a game taken away by the refs (Seattle) and injuries to key positions (Benson, Bishop, Jennings). The mojo effect hasn't worked either (see Indianapolis with the Chuck Pagano karma).

After this week against Houston, their schedule really starts to put things into focus. They've only played 1 division game and they've beaten Chicago, so that's a plus.

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