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Solidarity, Brother!

I'm not posting anymore this offseason until Boris gives me a new contract.   I think I've performed pretty well since my comeback.  I deserve a piece of the massive profits of X4.

@Benzene posted:

I think I've performed pretty well since my comeback.

"In 1903, Ludwig Roselius popularized the use of benzene to decaffeinate coffee. This discovery led to the production of Sanka."

So that's a pretty low bar - but what exactly have you performed since your comeback ?

If Love sits out while waiting for a new contract and Clifford comes in and starts throwing TD passes at a record rate, QB1 could become unpaid trade bait.  He would give Gute a way to restock the shelf with extra picks in future drafts.  I think Love should have a talk with Favre about how he was given an "opportunity" in 1992.  Love might change his mind. 

If Love sits out while waiting for a new contract and Clifford comes in and starts throwing TD passes at a record rate, QB1 could become unpaid trade bait.  He would give Gute a way to restock the shelf with extra picks in future drafts.  I think Love should have a talk with Favre about how he was given an "opportunity" in 1992.  Love might change his mind.

Not to mention Pratt. A possible steal with that kid.

Being a sports "journalist" has to one the best gigs available.
Invent a 'story' if none exists, provide no facts but tons of fallacy, and if it creates clicks, that's great reporting! 

If Love had considered holding out, would he have even come to OTAs? He's working on being a leader, not a detriment, or distraction to the team and the fans. Some idiot with too much time on his hands trying to sew discord in the Packers' mojo. Betting the author is a Bears, vikings or Lions fan. I cannot wait for the Packers to sweep the North, this season!

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