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in two different games yesterday I watched the officials gather together after a play to discuss what they saw and then announce "the play is under review" without ever making an initial call on the field. now that was bothersome.

in one (Denver/Houston I believe) the head ref himself had indicated TD after the ground caused a fumble but it wasn't blown dead and it was returned to the endzone. he then came on after the review and said the call on the field was confirmed - the ball was down. what? you never made a call and the only call you personally made on the play was a TD.

and the Ravens/Pats game... flip a coin on every pass for PI or OPI.

and the niners got two extra coach's challenges yesterday. this with the booth and the sideline advisor and they still can't count/know the rules?

maybe by mid-year they'll know what they're doing?
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The regular refs make mistakes too, but these replacements have no control of the game (to the extent they need to) and are getting no respect from the players or coaches. Players and coaches are taking advantage of this and it seems inevitable that someone is going to get hurt outside of the normal play of the game - late hit.
Last nights game. Ravens punt but the Pats lined up in the neutral zone. Ref announces the 5 yards will be marked off from the spot of the return.

Um, that's not the way it works. It's never been that way. You're doing it wrong.

You either ask Harbaugh if he wants to accept the 5 yards and punt it again, or decline it and move on.

Pretty much every game has 2 or 3 instances like this. The problem is the NFL has a fan base full of folks that have been watching the game for 20 plus years and know these things and it's frustrating watching officials that dont.
And there it is, players on losing teams blaming the refs instead of themselves. I'm glad MM preaches accountability in the Packer locker room, but talk like that leads to losses.

The refs suck but the media, players and coaches are making it worse with the incessant whining about it. It is what it is, so either you move on or lose your cool. That's ok with the media, but coaches and players aren't helping themselves by whining to the media about the refs. I'm glad MM is out coach b/c there is no doubt in my mind he would never react like John Fox or Bellichik on the sidelines, or allow his team to blame the refs for a loss.

And for the record, the PI call on McCourty and holding call on Webb at the end of the game were spot on. Those are calls that the real refs screw up all the time.
From Peter King.

OT between Lions - Titans. Titans with the ball on their own 44. Locker completes a 24 yard pass and Detroit flagged for personal foul.

The penalty should have moved the ball to the Detroit 17 yard line.

Play is reviewed and it's ruled the ball wasn't caught. Right call but the personal foul on Detroit still stands. That's also correct.

For reasons no one can answer this morning. The officials walked off the 15 yard penalty from DETROITS 44 yard line to the 29 yard line. The ball should have been moved to the Detroit 41.

A 12 yard gift in OT like that can't happen. Ever.
Getting way out of hand. The replacements are truly intimidated and out of their league. Last night's game was horrendous. A touch to the jersey within five yards -- not a push, a grab or a pull -- and it's illegal contact on the Pats. The marking it off on the punt return was a complete joke. The only good thing regarding last night's refs was the announcer mentioning that the Ravens DBs practiced all week grabbing and holding the receivers to prepare the receivers for the game. I hope we do that!
On another note or two, I wonder if Billy Bluster will be fined for grabbing the arm of the ref as he was leaving the field...

Perhaps we could get back to the "real refs" if all the replacements walked away. I don't blame them for taking what I'm sure is a heck of a payday, but I'd hate to be made a fool of on national TV and take the crap they do from coaches, players, wives, etc. Big Grin
The NFL is starting to hand out fines to Coaches that are lashing out towards the replacements. John Fox and Jack Del Rio received fines today for what they did in week 2.

Harbaugh and Billy B. should expect their fed ex delivery early next week for last night.

While I think it's insanely hypocritical for Goodell to fine coaches for lashing out at replacements while he (and the owners) put inferior refs in front of those coaches, I'm willing to go all in on the fines. Fine them all whatever it takes to make up whats needed to pay the real refs.
Originally posted by ChilliJon:
Last nights game. Ravens punt but the Pats lined up in the neutral zone. Ref announces the 5 yards will be marked off from the spot of the return.

Um, that's not the way it works. It's never been that way. You're doing it wrong.

You either ask Harbaugh if he wants to accept the 5 yards and punt it again, or decline it and move on.

Pretty much every game has 2 or 3 instances like this. The problem is the NFL has a fan base full of folks that have been watching the game for 20 plus years and know these things and it's frustrating watching officials that dont.

I think they changed the rule recently to allow the accepting team to accept the penalty added to the end of the return (I could be wrong, but I think this came up in the Pack v SF game)

BTW, can anybody explain to me the rule on hitting a receiver. Last night the Ravens defender nailed the receiver. He didn't lead with his head or hit the receiver in the head, the receiver was facing him and had just caught the ball. I am still confused as to why this is a penalty. The announcers were all over it as an obvious penalty, but I assume that was because of the league telling them to get in line over this. Anyone?
Originally posted by ChilliJon:
There are situations now where a team has the option of tacking on the penalty. Offside on a punt insn't one of them. After a few minutes of confusion the booth signaled down the the refs last night and told them Harbaugh needed to make a choice. He decided to take the penalty and punt the ball again.

Guess I was wrong here, not the first time. Smiler
Originally posted by CUPackFan:
And there it is, players on losing teams blaming the refs instead of themselves. I'm glad MM preaches accountability in the Packer locker room, but talk like that leads to losses.

The refs suck but the media, players and coaches are making it worse with the incessant whining about it. It is what it is, so either you move on or lose your cool. That's ok with the media, but coaches and players aren't helping themselves by whining to the media about the refs. I'm glad MM is out coach b/c there is no doubt in my mind he would never react like John Fox or Bellichik on the sidelines, or allow his team to blame the refs for a loss.

And for the record, the PI call on McCourty and holding call on Webb at the end of the game were spot on. Those are calls that the real refs screw up all the time.

Still feel this way?

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