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Another right handed bat for the outfield. Brewer Hicklin called up from Nashville due to the Sept. 1 roster expansion.  Of the 3 division leaders the Brewers have the worst record against left handed pitchers.  The extra right handed bat could help.  He has never hit with a high average but his OPS for his minor career is .832.        D L Hall added also.

Last edited by ammo

Myers getting so lit up so far today. The Reds got a guy picked off or it would be much worse.

Reds had 3 hits in the first and Myers has given up a home run and a single to lead off the 2nd.

Get someone warming up in case you need a reliever early to keep this within shouting distance.

Now a walk.

Myers so far has gotten 3 outs (actually 2 since one of the outs was the catcher picking a guy off second) and given up 5 hits and a walk.

Can't win them all, but I'll take 3 out of 4 (or 2 out of 3) every series from here on out.

It's been a great season that will end with a playoff berth. The only thing that could ruin it would be if they end up as the 3rd best division champion and the Cubs qualify as the last wild-card, and the Cubs beat them in a playoff series.

Other than that, even a first-round playoff loss still has to be considered a massive overachievement.

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