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The town of Asswaubenon has been working on naming a street after Packers non-genius head coach Mike McCarthy

Its taken quite some time to come to an agreement on which street will be chosen

And much of that discussion revolves around the added expense to the local businesses


"I'm a Packers fan, a Mike McCarthy fan, I think he's a great guy ... But who is going to pay for the cost?" VanEnkenvort asked the plan commission. "I'm sure I can eat this, but what about my tenants? I'd like you to consider that."

VanEnkenvort, who owns Van's Fire & Safety and two other businesses on Potts Avenue, guessed it would cost him $5,000 or more to change letterheads, readdress products that carry his business addresses and make other changes to accommodate a new street name.


Pardon my ignorance, but why would it cost $5, 000 to change "letterheads" ?

Is he sitting on 1000 cases of unused custom stationary ?

IowaCheese could type this up in 13 seconds flat (with one hand tied behind his back)


Do they have the internet in Asswaubenon ?



13 Time World Champion Green Bay Packers

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Own a couple businesses on Potts Ave or own a couple businesses at the intersection of Mike McCarthy and Holmgren Way. What's that worth? More than $5k worth of letterhead. VanEnkenvort sounds a little too Scandinavian if you ask me. 

I'd worry more about the PIA it would be to inform customers and vendors who use your address for day to day business.


The guy could have physical signage and/or painted vehicles with that info on it.


I'd bet I have well over $1000 worth of preprinted business materials with our current address on them in the office right now. 

Originally Posted by Satori:

 Pardon my ignorance, but why would it cost $5, 000 to change "letterheads" ?

Is he sitting on 1000 cases of unused custom stationary ?

Do they have the internet in Asswaubenon ? 

Letterheads include more than stationary.  They have trucks and other vehicles, probably a sign in front of the business, and probably the address on the door.

Originally Posted by Point Brewmaster:
Originally Posted by Satori:

 Pardon my ignorance, but why would it cost $5, 000 to change "letterheads" ?

Is he sitting on 1000 cases of unused custom stationary ?

Do they have the internet in Asswaubenon ? 

Letterheads include more than stationary.  They have trucks and other vehicles, probably a sign in front of the business, and probably the address on the door.

OK, change the painted address, another 13 seconds to change ONE effing WORD

Trucks ? why do they need to have an address on the trucks? Are those guys having a hard time finding their way back home ? Do you really think a potential customer is following the truck around desperately trying to write down the street name and is incapable of handling the change in ONE WORD ? As far as the address on the door, anybody who actually makes it to the door shouldn't be confused should they ?


Vendors/accounts payable ?  Send an email. Its free and takes 13 seconds and businesses do it all the time


This guy is stuck in 1979 and quite honestly he's not a very good businessman. As Chilijon noted, its a golden opportunity to pimp your business, its a golden opportunity to re-connect with your vendors. Its the perfect opportunity to check- in with your best customers


" Hey they're changing the name of the street we're on to honor coach McCarthy . But we're not moving the physical location, or the street number, or our zip code or our phone numbers or our website or really anything else. Just the few letters that comprise the street name


And pretty sure even the disgruntled postal workers will figure out where to deliver the mail - the exact same place they've been delivering it for 30 years...duh


Only a small-minded individual would see this as a problem; a smart business owner would not only embrace it, but make it work to his advantage.


"We're having a Street Name Change party, come on down and visit us. Free cheeseburgers to the first 25 mensa's who can figure out how to get here


Apparently, Mr VanDorkendum can't think past his inner curmudgeon and quite honestly, if this puts him under then so be it.


1st Rule of Business = Survival of the fittest, not the dumbest and most short-sighted. What an anachronistic maroon


/rant off


Ha Ha ! Just having a little offseason fun at VanDorks' expense

Originally Posted by Boris:
Great rant Satan. Go over there & reign brimstone & fire on his "business"

Too funny - he makes fire extinguishers


Ha Ha ! Mr. Emergency folds under "pressure"



Originally Posted by FreeSafety:

I'd worry more about the PIA it would be to inform customers and vendors who use your address for day to day business.


The guy could have physical signage and/or painted vehicles with that info on it.




Sorry but who the hell does that these days?


Most businesses I have seen on a company vehicle have something like "Jim's Plumbing. 920-555-5555."


I can't imagine this guy has his full blown addy painted onto his trucks. If he does, he's an idiot.


As for stationary, again welcome to 2014. Invoices etc. are sent electronically these days. Even business's the company name, phone number, and website.


The businesses I deal with it's the name, what's their number, and where do I go online to place my orders and do my business.


I couldn't even tell you nor care what their address is on an invoice.

Here's the contact info page


He even has a PO box just for mail ! So that won't even change...hilarious

One word on his address label changes and the Map Quest directions are exactly the same as before


I'm going to call him and offer to make all the changes for $3000, seems like the least I can do after he brought me so much free entertainment this fine summer morning 


(Go Packers)



Actually, I dont think he's really against the street name change. Rather, he is posturing for the city to pick up the tab for his business to make the necessary changes. If he can avoid paying for the changes he has that much more profit to keep. I'd bet all the businesses on Potts are hoping the city will pay them for the street name change.

I don't see any huge downside. He's got a fleet of trucks but it looks like none of them have a printed address. 


Having said all that....


I can't knock the guy too much. He opened the business in the mid 60's and ran it out of his house in GB until he bought the property on Potts in 1974. The guy sells fire safety equipment to businesses and residences and from the looks of it has built himself a pretty respectable outfit. 


Hope he agrees to go along with the change. City should help him a little if they can. He's earned it. 

He's on totally on board with the change;

He's just wildly overestimating the "cost" to his business and tenants in 2014 and I was making fun of him for that

I'm pretty confident that the guy would be able to write off this expense.  We should ask Kiel's accountant if the guy can do that for having to change his letterheads/envelopes/urinal pucks/whatever.  Whatever answer he gives, we'll know the opposite is true.  



Being able to write it off as an expense doesn't mean the guy has an extra $5k to waste on the problem. He is still out at least $2500.


I'd rather have the $5k and pay taxes on it and have the $2500 left over to spend at da scrip club than to spend it on new letterhead.


Last edited by FreeSafety

Yeah, I get that, Thurston.  I'm just saying the guy really isn't ultimately going to lose $5k on this just because he says so.  


To be fair, though, even the most seemingly innocuous decisions do carry some downside for folks.  I don't doubt this guy will have to deal with a couple of curve balls, but he seems to be overstating things a bit.  


I think we all know who's really at fault here...


Last edited by JJSD

 Satan's Advocate

He could be out the entire $5k if he was going to use that money for another valid business expense that he was going to write off. His business would lose the purchasing power of the full amount.


Last edited by FreeSafety

You'd think he would have mentioned something like that if he was really going to have $5k immediately yanked from his pockets.  


He has time to deal with this - he doesn't have to reorder all new 'letterheads' - whatever the hell that even means - by the end of business today.  I'm no TD-style softball-playing/YooHoo drinking/mail-delivering stripper, but I'm also guessing mail sent to the guy's old address is still going to show up.  People who punch in the old address on a GPS are still going to find it.  


Depending on what 'letterheads' actually means, he would've incurred that expense anyway as he ordered more paper/whatever.  The next thing we should delve into is what type of inventory he has with the old address on hand and when that inventory will be exhausted.


Christ, when does football start?  

Originally Posted by JJSD:

The next thing we should delve into is what type of inventory he has with the old address on hand and when that inventory will be exhausted.


He sells fire extinguishers... fire... exhaust... fire exhausting...inventory...exhausted...


I see what you did there. 


Christ, when does football season start?

Originally Posted by JJSD:

Christ, when does football start?  

No kidding...

Poor guy getting slammed by a bunch of Packer fans with nothing better to do...


Hey, maybe he could host a Potts Ave burning party and all the businesses could throw their outdated letterhead into the fire... and then he could put it out... thus demonstrating his superior products, having some fun with the change and generating new business.


Fire extinguishers have a shelf life, what a perfect time to replace them or re-charge them all at Van's.


Change is the only constant and you'll do much better if you learn to embrace it



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