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Merry Christmas fellow Timesfour members!  I hope you all are able to find time to make the 'Miracle' happen again.

In a quick personal note, Sarge and I are hosting Family Christmas later today.  This is the first year in a couple decades Sarge has cards out, tree and house decor up, cookies for half the community baked and delivered, and today it's Game On with the kids.  Our family expanded roster size from 9 to 13 GK's this year with a block FA move adding 4 in a package deal.  We are especially blessed to not only expand but upgrade our roster with 5 star tallant!

I would love to visit more but already have veggies cleaned and the 26 pounds of Prime coming up to room temp.  Bucket of potatoes is next.  Sarge shutdown after I went up at midnight and she is still in a deep snore.  I don't deserve her.

XOXO to all

Go Pack Go


Short Member.

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Party at cousins house tomorrow. Dinner at in laws on Christmas (Ham) which means today is the real feast. 

Prime rib has been salted and sitting out for 3 hours now. Should be ready for the hot box in about 3 more. Crispy roast potatoes. SautΓ©ed spinach. Red wine au jus. Silly amounts of Tito’s and fresh lemon juice. 

It’s been a rough year for our team. Let’s try and hold it together. Things will get better. 

Whip a little purple ass tonight.

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to the jolliest bunch of a-holes this side of the nuthouse!

Brainwashed Boris posted:

I've been tasked with making tri-tip for the family. About 20 total.

Got mom & dad a new dishwasher for Christmas. It was broken for 3 years. That will help with the clean up.

Merry Christmas boys & girls!

 My Mom and my 2 Uncles got together and bought my Grandmother a new portable dishwasher 1 Christmas. They put a big bow on it, snuck into the house and placed it by the tree. It took up half the room. We were all excited to see her reaction when she walked into the room. She walks in and takes 10 whole minutes before she even sees it. We're all sitting around thinking WTH? 

El-Ka-Bong posted:

I made pickles wrapped in ham with cream cheese, only I threw those three things in a food processor and made it into a dip.  It was a Christmas miracle!

OMGOSH.....this my second favorite for snacks.....and food processed together even sounds better.  My first favorite snack is water chestnuts wrapped in bacon baked in the oven and with 5 minutes left to bake, put barbecue sauce on them for the finishing touch.  Yummmmmm.  Oh yah, Merry Merry and Happy Happy  to everyone on Timesfour.   

Last edited by Goldie
ChilliJon posted:
Pikes Peak posted:
Brainwashed Boris post

Got mom & dad a new dishwasher for Christmas. 


Does she speak English?

Right now Kiel is laughing quietly. 

You so nailed it....I actually read that post to Mrs. Blair Kiel.

...and Maria gets half a day off tomorrow.

Enjoy the Holiday folks.....see ya'll in the game thread.....Mrs. Kiel ain't staying up to watch Dom's defense.

Last edited by Blair Kiel

You'll want all day to-morrow, I suppose?" said Kiel. 

"If quite convenient, sir."

"It's not convenient," said Kiel,  "and it's not fair. If I was to stop half-a-crown for it, you'd think yourself ill-used, I'll be bound?"

The help smiled faintly.

"And yet," said Kiel, "you don't think me ill-used, when I pay a day's wages for no work."

β€œIt β€˜tis only once a year, sir”

"A poor excuse for picking a man's pocket every twenty-fifth of December!" said Kiel, buttoning his great-coat to the chin. "But I suppose you must have the whole day. Be here all the earlier next morning."

Hit the Mississippi Ice today, got a nice mess of giils, crappies, perch and 1 16 inch bass.  Going again tomorrow too.  

We are not having our family Christmas until next Saturday in Sun Prairie.  Got 2 new granddaughters this year that will be having their 1st Christmas. 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all on TimesFour!!!!

Last edited by ammo
ammo posted:

Hit the Mississippi Ice today, got a nice mess of giils, crappies, perch and 1 16 inch bass.  Going again tomorrow too.  

We are not having our family Christmas until next Saturday in Sun Prairie.  Got 2 new granddaughters this year that will be having their 1st Christmas. 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all on TimesFour!!!!

Holy cow ammo, gold mine of fish???  How thick is the big muddy???  Not to many icing by us in la Crosse area......good for you.    Crappies have always been my fav.

In the same vein....Many years ago at our office Christmas lunch.  It was in the office, everyone brought a snack or desert and the company catered in the meat, etc.  when the time came we all lined up to fill our plates. I was among the first and went back to my desk to eat.  The line went right by my seat. While I was eatin 2 employees who were the first 2 in line got back in to double dip.  One, a woman said, "what if there is not enough for all,  should we wait till all get a chance ?"

The man said this, during the peace on earth, good will to all season....." ****, em, think of yourself"

One of my favorite Christmas memories.

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