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Originally Posted by Pikes Peak:
Originally Posted by PinG:
Originally Posted by Pikes Peak:

Was Mr Tuoalu openly gay?

Does this really matter?

Well, it is the title of the thread and what we are discussing.    

And, it has absolutely nothing to do with Mike Sam. Who really cares about Tuoalu? He has absolutely nothing to do with Sam.

Originally Posted by Diggr14:

I don't think it will affect his draft stock, it might even help it.


I want to thank you, Diggr14. Nothing I can possibly say for the rest of 2014 can compete on the stupid level with this line. 


I don't care if Sam is gay. I commend him for coming out. He shouldn't have to hide who he is, and if guys in the locker room feel uncomfortable, they need to get over it. They've probably had gay teammates before, the difference being that they have not come out. 


All that matters, and all that should matter, is how well he plays. Yes, he's a bit undersized, and yes, a lot of his sacks this year came against lesser competition. But somehow he played well enough to be named SEC defensive player of the year. 


I don't know how he'll do in the NFL. I hope he succeeds. And if he could help the Packers, I'd welcome him in Green Bay without a second thought. 

Originally Posted by Pakrz:

This draft should be interesting... It's going to be the Sam Circus. 


I've got no complaints about Sam. More power to him.


But if he is a 5th or 6th round guy I just hope the whole draft doesn't turn into "Michael Sam watch" right from the start.


"Round 1, The Packers are on the clock, lets check in with Michael Sam once again and see what he would think about becoming a Packer...Okay it looks like the Packers have selected someone other than Michael Sam. The Eagles are now on the clock with the 22nd pick, lets check in with Michael Sam once again and see what he would think about becoming a Eagle. Then after the break we'll have our draft experts weigh in on why Michael Sam has fallen so far in the first round and what team or teams might be a good fit for Michael Sam."

But if he is a 5th or 6th round guy I just hope the whole draft doesn't turn into "Michael Sam watch" right from the start.


That's my thoughts as well... I think we're going hear three days worth of Sam and his sexuality.  

Every time a black athlete states they're not down with that lifestyle and that it would be a distraction I wish Jackie Robinson was still with us so he could smash the effing ignorance out of them.

I don't think it's a reach to say a gay NFL or MLB  athlete is our generations Jackie. So far I don't think we've progressed as far as we'd like to think we have.

Dad not happy with fairy son


Michael Sam Sr. told The New York Times that he received the news last Tuesday when his son wrote in a text: "Dad, I'm gay."

Sam's father took the news hard. He said he was eating at a Denny's restaurant but had to leave after receiving the text.

"I couldn't eat no more, so I went to Applebee's to have drinks," Sam Sr. told the newspaper. "I don't want my grandkids raised in that kind of environment."

Sam Sr., who described himself as "old-school," told the newspaper the idea of a gay player in the NFL bothers him, even when that person could be his own son.

He told the newspaper that late Hall of Famer Deacon Jones, the leader of the Rams' Fearsome Foursome who is credited with terming the word sack, "is turning over in his grave."

Pops had to leave Dennys to grab a cocktail at Applebees to sort things out. And he's questioning the choices of his own driven son about to ink a deal for millions.

Pretty good case of dads plan getting derailed by life's plan.

Love your kid man. No conditions.
Originally Posted by FreeSafety:
"Round 1, The Packers are on the clock, lets check in with Michael Sam once again and see what he would think about becoming a Packer...Okay it looks like the Packers have selected someone other than Michael Sam.

Why do you care what they talk about during commercial breaks?

Originally Posted by Herschel:

Yeah, 6 of 8 kids are dead or in jail but the gay one is the problem?

Proverbs 6:16-19

16 These six things the Lord hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him: 17

1)A proud look,

2)A lying tongue,

3)Hands that shed innocent blood, 18

4)A heart that devises wicked plans,

5)Feet that are swift in running to evil, 19

6)A false witness who speaks lies, And

7)one who sows discord among brethren.



Proverbs 6:16-19 (revised)

16 These six things the Lord hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him: 17

1)Being gay.

2)Being gay.

3)Being gay.

4)Being gay.

5)Being gay.

6)Being gay.

7)Oh and especially being gay.


Last edited by phaedrus

I certainly have no idea if this guy is going to make it or not, and frankly I don't really care unless GB drafts him.  I can't help but laugh though that the guy who thought Aaron Rodgers = Jay Fiedler is doing an eval.

Originally Posted by Point Brewmaster:

Former JSO reporter Greg Bedard has this scathing article about Michael Sam's football abilities.  Bedard doesn't appear to be too impressed.

I thought Bedard sucked when he was at JSO.

Originally Posted by Point Brewmaster:

Former JSO reporter Greg Bedard has this scathing article about Michael Sam's football abilities.  Bedard doesn't appear to be too impressed.


Knowing that....maybe Diggr is right..... TT should draft him in the first round. 

Originally Posted by bvan:

I thought Bedard sucked when he was at JSO.

Gerg BeLard is the suckiest suck that ever sucked AND as an added bonus - 

He doesn't like X4.

Even went so far as to take shots at this board during his "chat"


How cool is that ? 



I missed that.  Gerg must be as soft as his picture.


As far as Sam, I wouldn't draft him.  College DE that likely would have issues making the transition to OLB.  We already have that in Perry and Perry is 5 times the athlete.

Last edited by Henry

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