SNL is getting one shot at Michael Sam running into Donald Sterling at Starbucks. They better not eff this up.
I wouldn't hold my breath, they're called Seriously Nobody's Laughing for a reason.
SNL is getting one shot at Michael Sam running into Donald Sterling at Starbucks. They better not eff this up.
I wouldn't hold my breath, they're called Seriously Nobody's Laughing for a reason.
69 would have been funnier.
SNL is getting one shot at Michael Sam running into Donald Sterling at Starbucks. They better not eff this up.
I wouldn't hold my breath, they're called Seriously Nobody's Laughing for a reason.
This guy makes me laugh.
Heard rumors about this earlier today. Rams players must be digging the thought of suddenly playing on the St Louis Sams
That's just a bad play Michael.
Get the money now son.....
Would you be more surprised it's all a ruse or if he makes the Rams roster?
Becoming more and more of a circus. I can't imagine GB would have been thrilled with this at all. It's a lot of distraction for a 7th round pick..
Did we have this much hoop-la for Tauscher or Driver?
Were the Rams aware of this reality show deal with Oprah before they drafted him? I would bet that it's something that would have taken Sam completely off TT's board.
Whatever team is doing Hard Knocks this year should have drafted him. HBO and O could have shared camera footage.
I'm just wondering when we're getting back to talking football instead of this circus?
butt sex sells
To you, maybe.
I'm just wondering when we're getting back to talking football instead of this circus?
who started this thread?
If Oprah wants to put a camera in the shower for this redoceality the Rams better play ball. She's got NFL franchise money wedged between a couple sofa cushions.
just curious....but is all the hoopla because he is gay football player.....or....because he's an African-American gay football player?
That is a question for the AAGFPA.
If Oprah wants to put a camera in the shower for this redoceality the Rams better play ball. She's got NFL franchise money wedged between a couple sofa cushions.
This explains why Arod dropped in the draft.
Originally Posted by SanDiegoPackFan:
just curious....but is all the hoopla because he is gay football player.....or....because he's an African-American gay football player?
The initial attention given to him was because he is the 1st openly gay football player, now NFL player. Oprah wouldn't be giving a reality/documentary show to a white gay NFL player. Did you really not understand this? Or were you "just trying to be funny/satirical like all the other posters" ?
What would the WGNPA have to say about this?
I sure do not faulty Sam for taking Oprahs cash, he has to know he is a REAL long shot to make any REAL money in football. Get it while you can, it's the American way.
If Jackie Robinson had struck a deal with Lucky Strike back in the day to let them follow him around Dodger camp and they gave Jackie a jackpot wad full of scratch to document his attempt to play MLB baseball and he flamed out hard only he didn't give a rats ass because it was about him getting his....
You think other African American kids with the same dream would have enjoyed seeing that door SLAMMED in their face from that point on because no team was going to let that **** happen to them???
Sam needs to understand this isn't entirely his story. He can do this the right way or he can get his.
Originally Posted by SanDiegoPackFan:
just curious....but is all the hoopla because he is gay football player.....or....because he's an African-American gay football player?
The initial attention given to him was because he is the 1st openly gay football player, now NFL player. Oprah wouldn't be giving a reality/documentary show to a white gay NFL player. Did you really not understand this? Or were you "just trying to be funny/satirical like all the other posters" ?
Why wouldn't Oprah give the same attention to a white gay player? Are you saying she's a racist? I guess I don't understand then.
Don't know if Oprah is a racist or not, I haven't read or listened to much, if anything, she has ever said, but she seems to know business and black gay NFL would draw more attention than white gay NFL. In her world of entertainment, perception is reality.
It's because black people are more homophobic than white people. An openly gay white football player is no big deal. An openly gay black football player,
This should be your signature.
Has more chance to be relevant than a Johnny Manziel jersey without starting off fugly.
Now a movie deal.... what next
When I act like that I don't get any awards.
More like a restraining order.
It's under appeal.
Jared Abbrederis gets drafted by the Packers and x4 will eventually have more posts about Sam…you better believe it's a big story that is going to be followed by the media
Don't know if Oprah is a racist or not, I haven't read or listened to much, if anything, she has ever said, but she seems to know business and black gay NFL would draw more attention than white gay NFL. In her world of entertainment, perception is reality.
I don't think race plays into this at all. Could be wrong, of course.
A white gay athlete is a white gay athlete, a black gay athlete is big news.
A white gay athlete is a white gay athlete, a black gay athlete is big news.
What we need is a gay, black handi-capped figure skater.