It seems that at the start of last year, many of us were calling for MM's head for his perplexing play calls, odd use of the clock, and unwillingness to be the "tough guy." (I know that I was one who had him leaving if the team didn't improve last year, although I did hedge my bet by saying I thought he would be a much better coach down the line.)
But I thought something clicked with him about mid-season last year. I read where he and ARod would sit down at least once a week to discuss the upcoming game starting in week 6 or so. In addition, much has been said about his letting players take a greater leadership role, and developing leadership in his coaches.
So, where do you see MM's greatest growth? Was/is it in allowing others to shoulder more leadership? Was it his attitude of "next man up" and "no excuses" when all the injuries started happening? Was it his play calling? Or, is it just better players?
Thoughts and opinions?
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