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The psychology of the game. CJ tickles the ivories

McCarthy didn't finish his thought but Elko did. He says McCarthy is far, far ahead of the pack when it comes to understanding players and getting them to perform. "I think he's gifted," said Elko. "When I watch them, the Packers are the most unique team. It's 'let's score a touchdown and do the Lambeau Leap. We're serious and we're fun.' "Here's what I didn't realize. You can do both."

No "players coach" crap. A smart man that can read people.
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We're nobodies underdog.


β€œI’m for any kind of emotion as long as it’s channeled properly,” McCarthy said in his Wednesday press conference. β€œSo if you want to talk about chips on your shoulder, whatever β€” the only emotion I don’t care about is self-pity. We’re not the victim. Nothing is guaranteed to you. The game of football is not perfect. That’s why you play the whole game and at the end of the game one team walks off as the winner.”


β€œCoach allowed everybody to speak their mind,” defensive lineman B.J. Raji said. β€œHe understood where everybody was coming from, because you put a lot into this game. From that standpoint coach has talked to us about just moving on, being a bigger person."

β€œThat’s the toughest part about this business and life. The high road is the toughest. Good teams β€” strong people and strong teams β€” bounce back from this. It’s only one game. We’ve got 13 (games) left that we’re guaranteed. All hope isn’t lost. We’re planning on getting better from this.”

Coach and players comment
and a great QB:

"I think one thing that we really learned from it is, as frustrating as it is, ultimately it's a game judged by people who are imperfect, and there's going to be mistakes," Rodgers said.

"And you hate it that it affected us and we lost a win because of it, but there's a lot of blame to go around other than referees. They have a job to do. They're trying to do their best. They obviously didn't bring their best in that game and in that play, but there's a lot of blame to fall on the shoulders of guys like myself who didn't play their best game that night."

and a bad writer:
The Packers won't have to worry about replacement referees Sunday in New Orleans.
From today's presser.


Going to be a feeling-out period for officials, too?

"Can’t really concern myself with the performance of the officials. We had conversations about approaching the game differently, but we chose not to. We felt it was important to playing the game the right way with approach to rules. We’ll really focus on improving ourselves. I can’t really be concerned whee the officials are coming out of their training camp. We do have history with the referee crews, we’ll look at that but won’t change our approach to the game.”
Originally posted by Hungry5:
From today's presser.


Going to be a feeling-out period for officials, too?

"Can’t really concern myself with the performance of the officials. We had conversations about approaching the game differently, but we chose not to. We felt it was important to playing the game the right way with approach to rules. We’ll really focus on improving ourselves. I can’t really be concerned whee the officials are coming out of their training camp. We do have history with the referee crews, we’ll look at that but won’t change our approach to the game.”

And that's why we're proud of MM and his integrity, professionalism, and respect for the game.
McCarthy showing class once again. Link

One of the NFL replacement officials at the heart of the most controversial moment of the lockout said that Green Bay Packers coach Mike McCarthy has reached out to him.

Wayne Elliott awarded Golden Tate and the Seattle Seahawks a game-winning touchdown Sept. 24 on a Hail Mary pass that appeared to have been intercepted by Packers defensive back M.D. Jennings.

Elliott told Showtime's "Inside the NFL" that his phone didn't stop ringing for 72 hours. One of the messages left was from McCarthy.

"He called me at my house last week because he had heard I was having a rough week with all the calls and everything," Elliott said during the segment. "Wanted (me) to know that he thought what I did -- controversial and maybe he didn't agree with it -- (but he thought) I handled it with class."
Whitner (note: of the 49ers) was asked about the differences between 49ers coach Jim Harbaugh and Bills coach Chan Gailey and he said that the biggest one was that Gailey used to publicly blame players when things were going badly in order to keep the heat off of himself.
MM is very careful not to do this. Some people say the Packers website is too positive about the team at times, but they do it with good reason. There's a culture of being fair to the players. Chew them out for their mistakes in private, but never publicly embarrass them. That goes a long way towards making GB a place where you want to continue your career. I'm sure there's been plenty of times when the coaches would love to say something about particular guys too.
Originally posted by packerboi:
If Elliot could do it again:

Asked if he would stick by his call after seeing the replay, Elliott said: "I'd probably call interception. I learned a rule by screwing up the rule."

Not sure if he could have changed it since he didn't make the call and he didn't confirm it, he just 'relayed the message'!! Mad What he could have probably done was take some time and discuss with the refs that did make the call before the final call was made.
Originally posted by titmfatied:
Whitner (note: of the 49ers) was asked about the differences between 49ers coach Jim Harbaugh and Bills coach Chan Gailey and he said that the biggest one was that Gailey used to publicly blame players when things were going badly in order to keep the heat off of himself.
MM is very careful not to do this. Some people say the Packers website is too positive about the team at times, but they do it with good reason. There's a culture of being fair to the players. Chew them out for their mistakes in private, but never publicly embarrass them. That goes a long way towards making GB a place where you want to continue your career. I'm sure there's been plenty of times when the coaches would love to say something about particular guys too.

...of course a coach can go overboard with this also, such as Rex Ryan does. Every player he has is the greatest, the best, they should go undefeated,we're not going to IR Reavis because he could be back by the Super Bowl, blah, blah , blah.
McCarthy’s call to replacement ref classy

by Mike Vandermause on Saturday, October 6th, 2012

Friday during an interview with Milwaukee’s WTMJ Radio, the Packers head coach shed a little on why he reached out to Wayne Elliott, who was the referee in the Packers-Seahawks game.

β€œI felt the phone call was the right thing to do. That’s why I made it,” McCarthy said.

It was a classy move on the part of McCarthy, who had every right to be outraged by the final result and the less-than-stellar performance of the replacement referees. But McCarthy had no intention of making his gesture known to the public.

β€œIt was a phone call that I placed with the intent of it being a personal phone call,” said McCarthy.

In reference to praise he has received for the kind gesture, McCarthy said: β€œObviously, I didn’t think this was going to be the outcome. I’ve asked the football team to move on.”

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