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He told Bart the story of the last time they met, 15 years ago, again in an airport. My brother and his 4-year-old son saw Bart rushing to catch a plane and asked for a picture and autograph. Bart apologized and said he was late, but if my brother had a business card, he'd send an autograph.

A week later an autographed picture came in the mail with a personal note of apology for not having had the time to visit.

Today, my brother called him "Mr Starr"---- Bart said, "Call me Bart". My brother said it must get old being stopped all the time by fans---Bart says he still still "enjoys the adulation"

Not only the greatest Packer of all-time, but maybe one of the greatest people of all-time.

Live long Bart!
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Good for you.

Bart Starr is the one Packer I'd like to meet. I think he would at least say "hi" to me. Granted I have only personally met 2 other former Packers in person. So my sample size is small. But if I could get the chance, I'd look forward to it.

Along those lines, I hoped to do it at fan fest - to my knowledge they haven't had it for a couple years. I should have made more of an effort earlier.
Sometime during the late 90's, as best as I can recall, Bart appeared at a Just For Feet (a long-gone athletic shoe megalomart) in Duluth, GA. Mrs. Timmy and I met him there; we took hats to get signed, but that was a no-no. But he was signing poster-size promotional posters related to that opening, and would sign, "To (name), Best Wishes, Bart Starr".
My wife was nice enough to get one signed for my Dad, and I was awestruck. I told him thanks for the memories, and I appreciated what he still meant to the Packers. He was very gracious, and thanked us for suppporting him. Then it was time to move along.

A former co-worker's wife related a story to me one day at work; something along the lines of her being stranded with a flat tire in the middle of Nowhere, Alabama, and Bart stopped and wound up giving them a lift to the next stop for help, and waited there until it arrived. She asked for a way to contact him to offer thanks and he gave her a business card. Viola!
No way to validate this story, but I doubt she had any reason to make up a whopper. She wasn't even a football fan, but recognized the name.
Also no reason to doubt Bart is the type of human to do something as generous as that!
Starrtodowler and I were able to meet him in 1972 in Winston-Salem, as the Packers were preparing to play the Redskins.
Bart actually ran into our older brother at Wake Forest U--and he told Bart about S2D's affection--so Bart told him to tell S2D to meet with him at a nearby hotel at a certain time.
I went, too. Bart was about 10 minutes late, and apologized profusely. He then Invited Us Back to His Room to hang out for awhile--but he was interrupted by an associate, and apologized Again, for having to leave.
It was unreal. Pure Class.
During the conversation, the entire lobby of the hotel began to shake--the chandelier actually swung a bit--as Willie Davis (or Dave Robinson--which WAS it, bro?) walked across the floor, Boom, Boom, Boom...
I still keep my autographed 1967 picture of Bart Starr in my office! The real "Steel Eyed Assassin". You have no idea how many conversation starters it is. For example a college teammate of Davon House saw it last year in the off-season and raved at how good Davon looked and how he was gonna start this year! Tom Crabtree's cousin also identified himself after see Bart and about 5000 Wisconsinites annually cheerfully ask me if they can have it!

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