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Since there's no training camp to talk about, I thought I'd start a list of
why the Cowboys suck, just in case anyone's forgotten.

1. They're NOT "America's Team!"
2. They have skinny ankles.
3. Troy Aikman and Hulk Hogan's "acting" in the Rent-a-center tv ads. Beyond bad. I could vomit just thinking of them.
4. Emmitt Smith's "acting" in the Just For Men hair coloring spots. The FCC should just banish "Just for Men" spots. I could easily judge them as obscene and thus could justify them not being broadcast.

Care to add any of your own? Please do.
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Originally posted by Rusty:
Segregated between Enlish-speaking and non-English speaking.

I feel for you people that were educated without a Webster speller.

I think that would be you people who were educated......

Not to split hairs.

Chinese is my native tongue, therefore "Engish" is an entirely correct pronunciation.
Michael Irvin pushing off.

Fantasy Football years of having players tackled at the one yard line so my FF opponent's RB Emmitt Smith could score 1 yard touchdowns.

Barry Switzer being considered a good NFL coach

I could think of more, but really I'm just posting to show that I am still alive since I am sure many of you are concerned about my well being.

Holy crap!
How did I miss this thread when it was originally posted?

Cowboys fans could be named "Due South Vikings Fans". The biggest bunch of ignorant, arrogant, bandwagon blowhards ever.

It's hard not to respect the Landry-era Cowboys, they had good teams and great coaching. But even they had their moments. The Jerry Jones era? They pretty much represent most (all?) of the 'qualities' I detest in football.
Now, they've been paying a price for almost 30 years...and I love it!

I've got a DVD set of the Ice Bowl, and it includes commentary and comments by some of the players from both teams. To a man, none of the Cowboys credited the Packers for winning, only offering complaints about it not being a fair game, shouldn't have been played in those conditions, the conditions meant they weren't able to play their style of game, and other bullcrap. Oh, and Kramer jumped offsides, too.
F**k everyone of them!

Jimmy Johnson, Barry Switzer (a sold-out SOB if there ever was one), Aikman, Irvin.... all you sonsofbitches....

The new millennial Cowboys?
Again, Due South Vikings. All choke all the time.

Damn how do I even start to express my hatred for the Cowboys.

I think they have won maybe 3 playoff games since they wont the Super Bowl after the 95 season and the media still treats them like they are the only team that exists in football.

They are NOT Americas team no matter how they try

I can somewhat reluctant respect the Landry teams but I still hate them

I still hate those 90s Cowboys teams and the dirty shit they would pull.  Taking out Jurkos knee, to Irvins constant PI that never was called, and when they kicked that FG at the end of the MNF game that had Reggie raging mad.

I am still kind of pissed at the Panthers for beating the Cowboys in the playoffs in 96 when if memory serves me right we would have finally gotten Dallas in Lambeau to the post season.

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