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First off, a big thanks goes to my workplace (Duluth Trading Company) for giving away the tickets.

Since this whole thing came together in less than a week, we didn't have any huge plans, nor did we get a hotel the night before. So at 6 am LFT on gameday, we departed from New Glarus for the 3 hour drive up to Green Bay, for my first Packers game ever, and my dad's first at Lambeau. (He'd seen one in the dump dome in the 70s/80s, and had seen them in Milwaukee.) The drive up for the most part was pretty uneventful. Had a deer cross the road in front of us just getting into Dane County, but that was the most excitement.

About an hour and 15 minutes into the trip, we dropped into Beaver Dam to grab breakfast at McDonalds. Given just how many other Packer fans were there/came in while we were there (easily 30+, drive-thru was blocked by one of the big trucks), it seemed like the popular place to stop on the way to the game.

Traffic started tightening up about 40 miles from Lambeau, though it wasn't too bad. We pulled onto Lombardi Ave, and for the first time, I actually saw Lambeau Field with my own eyes.

The first picture I snapped once we walked a few blocks to reach Lambeau from our parking.

We paid $20 to park a few blocks away, and walked over to Lambeau after getting everything together. We stopped at the K-Mart and picked up a hat for myself, and a stadium seat for dad. Then we reached Lambeau, up close and personal, and started walking towards our gate and taking in the sights.

First stop was the Miller Lite Gate, and the statues of Curly Lambeau and Vince Lombardi.

Another pic of the Lombardi statue
First: A picture of the Curly statue. Second: A picture of me in front of the statue of Vince, taken by my dad.

We got a couple pictures of the statues, and were going to move towards our gate, but a fence behind us caught my eye.

1 Mind, 1 Goal, 1 Purpose, 1 Heart. The driving motto of the 2010 Green Bay Packers, nicely captured just across from Lambeau Field.

After getting that picture, and the good feelings from last season from those words from Woodson, we continued towards the Oneida Nation gate, where we would enter. Unfortunately, due to my not expecting it, I missed what could've been a good picture of Charles, and this picture isn't the best, but...

A group of fans posing as Aaron Rodgers drives into Lambeau in his Ford to a loud chorus of cheers.

Woodson had drove in a few minutes before, and my camera was off since I wasn't expecting the opportunity, but that was alright.

We took in some more sights and experiences of the tailgating crowd, as 10 am drew nearer and the gates would open up.

The Oneida gate, about 15 minutes before the gates opened.

Finally, it was 10 am. The gates opened, and we lined up to get wanded. Pretty fast as long as you're not carrying a bag, from my experience. Put our freebies in one of our little cinch sacks, and then headed up and in, getting our first view of Lambeau Field in person on gameday.

I took a couple quick pics after finding our seats, and before I figured out how to get into panorama mode on the camera.

View to the left, well before kickoff.
Across the field, as the first fans make their way in.

After I figured panorama out, though, I got some pretty awesome pictures. (You can click these two to get a better look at them.)

Above:A sweep of our left side, all the way over to the end zone.
Below: A cropped sweep that went end zone to end zone, not quite executed right, but still a killer picture.

We sat and watched the warm-ups, saw Harris and Poppinga (the latter on the exercise bike before the game), and saw Masthay and Crosby practice to deal with what was a damn windy day. (There was stuff out on the field all day long.)
Above: The team comes together before kickoff to get ready.

As noon got closer, the seats started filling up, which really helped fight the chill from the winds. To the right of us, we found out that the seats that work gave away were indeed all next to one another, as the other winner and her guest were seated next to my dad. To my left, I sat next to a sweet older lady, who's definitely been a life-long Packer fan. She's been going to games since the late 1940s, and her dad used to set up the PA system. She was there with her daughter, and they were nice enough to get this great picture of Dad and I.

Father and son enjoying their favorite football team together for the first time at Lambeau Field.

I have to echo Quiet One's impressions on the Star Spangled Banner. Too many people fancy it up and make it hard to sing to. Do it right or not at all.

Flyover was incredible, that was the first time I've experienced a flyover, and holy hell was that loud. Great timing though.

Then kickoff! Got to watch the defensive struggle that was the first quarter, and our D was certainly up to the task in spite of getting burned by former Badger Lance Kendricks. Punts either flew crazy deep, or got caught up in the wind.

After the first quarter, I get a tap on the back, and someone asks if I'm aquabreaker. Certainly wasn't expecting to meet another timesfour member just one row back from me! Shook hands, introduced my dad, and we talked a bit before the fun second quarter started. I didn't get too many in game pictures, but here are a couple from the first half.

I never saw 'the finger', and I didn't even know it'd happened until I got home! Jordy made the right moves, and just took it to the house. And watching Aaron thread the needle with those well aimed passes in person is just incredible.

Halftime was fun, but I took too long getting back and missed kickoff and the first possession of the second half. The game wound up being a back-and-forth defensive struggle with offensive miscues.

An endzone-to-endzone panorama picture of the field, both teams, and a very lively Lambeau Field crowd in the second half. (Click to zoom)

The Packers didn't score any more after the 2nd quarter, and neither did the Rams, resulting in that great 24-3 victory.

Both teams departing the field after the Packers 24-3 win over the Rams.

We nosed around the Atrium a bit after the game, and my dad took one more picture, this of the players whose numbers are retired.

Hutson, Canadeo, Starr, Nitschke, and White, five greats in an organization filled with many great players over the years.

And other than the somewhat frustrating drive home, it was an incredible experience. I never thought I'd get to go, and I've never been so happy to be wrong about something before. I hope I get to go to another game someday, but even if not, I'll take this.
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The first time is always the best time. One of my very fav pics is the one of my son after a preseason game last year with the empty stadium behind him -- all that green and the 50-yard-line G over his shoulder. And you're right about the flyover!
It was me. A fine day of football!

at the tailgate I was introduced to a longtime SMU days friend of TT's. Nice guy, we talked for quite awhile, he and about 5 other guys were up to visit TT and see the game. It was interesting to have him confirm what most of us already believe/know. TT never stops working and thinking about this team. The BF fiasco weighed heavily on him. When TT was in Seattle he believed BF was the guy to build an NFL team around - a natural leader, tough as nails and believed BF would play the game for free if there were no money to be had. The will he/won't he and retire/unretire got old though.
Talked about Mike Sherman and how TT worried about the time he had to restock the cupboard after what Sherman did to it.
But overall, what you see is what you get with TT.

the SMU guys are mentioned in this article.
I'm glad you had a great time, AB. It's an addiction. You get lured in by free tickets (my first game was also due to free tickets). Before I knew it...I was saving money in a special envelope for my once a year mother/son game. Always worth it. Smiler
With the pics and storyline, it has to be ones of the coolest fluff reports ever!

And add in the neat fact a fellow x4er right behind you... I was going to ask but Boris and Tdog got it done.

Man... it brings back memories. My first visit I cannot specifically recall, but my parents are getting old enough to barely remember plenty. My mom was always the one who sat and encouraged me to watch the Pack in the 70s when they were turrible, tho my Dad hung out for a bit after raking pine needles and cones on Sunday (hmmm now that I think about it, that was the way it always was) and brought up a game we went to back when it was Dan Marino's rookie year. He compared Rodgers to Dan then.

I don't know which thing brought a tear to my eye. Him coming in from raking leaves to hang out (as it always had been) or him, despite his nonchalance for football to remember going and seeing Dan Marino his rookie year. For 80 he's still doing pretty well.

Thanks for the report Aquabreaker!
Heh, thanks for all the kind words everyone. I wanted to make a good fluff report, just make it nice and clear with what all happened, the cool stuff I got to see and do, and the fact that it was our first game at Lambeau, and my first game, period. It seems that it worked rather well (I've even forwarded the link of this report to those responsible for the drawing as I thanked them for the opportunity to take in the experience, and it's been good comments there too.)

I definitely want to go again, and we'll see if the opportunity affords itself, either for free, or by saving up. Right now, my pennies are going towards owning a piece of our wonderful team when the stock sale happens.

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