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Hey TimeFour!

I'm Johnny. I work with the Green Bay Packers' new Packers Everywhere fan community.  

We're pumped for the season opener tonight, and we've just launched the new Packers Everywhere site to bring Packers fans, like you, across the country together to watch Packers games.

Packers Everywhere features a comprehensive directory of Official Packers bars and restaurants throughout the United States, tools for fans to connect with each other, and original content about unique Packers fans and bars.

Both the website and the mobile app feature an interactive, searchable map that allows you to find official Packers bars, restaurants, and events near you — no matter how far you live from Lambeau Field.

Visit to join the team or download the mobile app today.
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Don't worry. After I send them some traffic they're going to love collecting all that money thanks to timesfour without any kickback.

Right Johnny? Right?!?! You're going to make sure the bar in Tempe/Mesa gets posted now right?
Originally posted by Boris:
Don't worry. After I send them some traffic they're going to love collecting all that money thanks to timesfour without any kickback.

Right Johnny? Right?!?! You're going to make sure the bar in Tempe/Mesa gets posted now right?

Just checked and it's there now!
I just want to state again that Varsity Club in Clearwater is a schithole with a herd of obnoxious ass holes that have nave never even been to Wisconsin, let alone know what the the Packer vibe is about.

The one dumb whore "Packer Deb" is from Clearwater and knows squat about the Packers overall. She is Packers "fan" by injection.

That whole place gives Packers fans a bad name.
I have been in some serious schit holes around this country that are Packers bars, this place is a abomination to Packer fandom. First off, it's a schit hole straight off the bat. Second, you can find the random fat bitches snorting whatever is convenient off the terlet. Third, the staff absolutely hates the "packers fans" because they are schit ton of obnoxious trash. Their patron whore "saint" Packer Deb, grew up in Clearwater, never been to Lambeau (or Wisconsin for that matter) and is a mockery of Packer fandom.

Kiel and I met up there one time during pre-season. The stupid bitch was actually antagonizing, to the point of a fight, some Bears fans playing a video game. Add in the food sucks ass and every server looks at you like they either want to poison you or do a line off a toilet tank and you have a lovely hepatitis experience.

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