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If the first week of the season is any indication, the NFC North is going to be one of the best, if not the best, division in football.

Green Bay with an impressive win against the New Orleans.
Chicago looked good against Atlanta.
Detroit with a solid road win against Tampa Bay.
Minny up early in San Diego.

I think we are the obvious favorites in the division. That said, I don't think any division opponent represents an "automatic win."
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It's a garbage package in Minny. Detroit is actually building something if Stafford's arm doesn't fall off. They have a better chance of developing a cohesive team than the schit mache Chicago is trying to cobble together.
They have a better chance of developing a cohesive team than the schit mache Chicago is trying to cobble together.

I'd like to believe that but they have a way of proving people wrong. Whether we agree or not. Even after the NFCC I didn't really respect CHI but cripes, they just keep finding a way to hang around. Think of how awful Cutler has been the last couple years and that OL yet they keep winning.
Agreed. They're gonna be in the hunt. When Urlacher is healthy he's a great player, and so is Peppers. That's a tough-ass defense. They're a confounding team in many ways otherwise, but they just keep scrapping to wins. Still, I'd be fine with taking them on any time and in any place with any prize on the line.

Finley is the antidote for the Cover 2 for sure. Still, GB is flat-out more tallanted than CHI across the board. They've already proven that. They have the better QB, the better coach (even though I think Lovie is under-sold as a coach. He wins and got to a SB with Rex freaking Grossman as his QB. The guy couldn't even hang onto a snap.) and more quality depth. The reason CHI doesn't scare me is because they're not loaded enough to physically overwhelm you in every way. GB is.
Watching that game I'm going with Atlanta being completely inept across the board. That was some serious candy ass football for a supposed Super Bowl contender.

The Saints are going to dominant the South.
Hard to draw too many conclusions about anything after only one game. All the games in the North will be difficult and I don't think the Falcons are as bad as the overreaction from some of their fans would indicate.

The move for Julio Jones continues to puzzle me.
Atlanta's offense, other than Julio, looked like they were running in mud with boots while the bears D looked like barefoot sprinters.

somebody forgot to turn it on for opening day - this ain't the preseason no more.

finally, that is one schitty ass field down there in chitown. wtf? so much concrete nobody knows how to grow grass? it ain't that difficult folks...
Originally posted by TD:
Vikings fans are already calling for joe Webb along with Dark Star and the Superstar last night.

I saw just a little bit of the game and yea... McNabb is just bad. Good for Minnyhaha.
This is a pretty good summary of why Bear enthusiasm can come down a peg:

The game turned on fumbles. There were five of them, and wouldn't you know — Chicago recovered all five...5-for-5 isn't happening again anytime soon.

If the Falcons recover even one of the first three fumbles, the entire complexion of the game changes. The Falcons were forced to throw for most of the second half and faced an excellent Bears pass rush that teed off on Ryan...

Even the soft stuff went Chicago's way. Falcons safety Thomas DeCoud had two interceptions bounce out of his hands, including one in the end zone. Matt Forte's long catch-and-run for a touchdown saw Falcons linebacker Sean Weatherspoon deliver a particularly menacing nudge 20 yards downfield instead of attempting to wrap Forte with a tackle. Hester's 53-yard screen broke open when a Falcons defender slipped...

If you don't believe me, check with the man: The sportsbooks don't believe in Chicago yet, either. Even after their big win, the Bears opened as a seven-point underdog on the road against the Saints in Week 2...

All points I was making yesterday to the Bears fans I watched with, but I can see how they might sound like a green-and-gold tinted reach coming from a Packer fan. Forte and the pass rush are legit, but I don't think there was any question about those two. Cutler enjoyed better than usual results with usual decision making. Very curious to see how the rest look against NO.
Forte seems to come up big whenever they need it, along with Urlacher. (I still shudder when I think that it was only a diving AR ankle-grab that kept Urlacher from probably winning that game.) The one TD for Urlacher in the Falcons game was a gift considering he was just trotting behind the line when the ball rolled right to him. But, the ball seems to find good players...

The Saints-Bears game could be closer than many expect if the Dline for NO can't get to Cutler. I expect Brees to light up the secondary, but Cutler could also do damage with the Saints' secondary if his receivers step up.

It could be a very entertaining game.
I thought this might be an appropriate place for this...

While eating at the local BWW's this weekend I overheard the following conversation.

A Packers fan leaned over to the guy next to him and asked "Wanna hear a joke about the Bears?"The guy next to him replies,"Well before you tell that joke you should know something. I'm 6' tall and 220 pounds and I'm a Bears fan.The guy sitting next to me is 6'2" tall,240 pounds and he's a Bears fan,and the guy sitting next to him is 6'5",280 pounds and he's a Bears fan, too.Now,do you still wanna tell that joke?"The Packers fan says,"Nah,not if I'm gonna have to explain it three times."

Thank you, I'll be here all week, try the veal. Big Grin
could be closer than many expect if the Dline for NO can't get to Cutler.

cutler was his usual self yesterday the falcons just didn't capitalize on the opportunities he gave them. along with making some nice throws he made the typical handout throws. I'll predict at least 2 INTs for him v the Saints.
I think the Falcons are going to regret moving away from the power running game they had in place last year because outside of the Packers playoff loss it worked pretty well. Now it seems like they want to wing the ball all over the place when their best weapon might still be Michael Turner running the ball and controlling the clock.

Tampa got into the same problem yesterday giving up on Blount way too early. Had they stuck to the run a little more maybe they pull a win out against the Lions?

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