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Game Changer: NFL Scrambles to Fill Seats
The Wall Street Journal

by Kevin Clark
Updated June 29, 2012, 10:21 p.m. ET

In hopes that professional football can mimic the wild stadium atmosphere typical of college football games, the NFL says it has "liberalized" its restraints on crowd noise. Stadiums will now be free to rile up crowds with video displays, and public-address announcers will no longer be restrained from inciting racket when the opposing offense faces a crucial third down.


Owners have granted permission for the league to place microphones on certain players so that fans can hear on-field commentary via an in-the-work app that would distribute raw feeds. That is a privilege previously awarded only to networks holding broadcast rights. continue
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just let the fans be fans and they will take care of any and everything that needs to be taken care of.

let me guess, in the near future they will run an applause track over the PA just like the laugh track in sitcoms.

further plasticizing of an already plastic society. we need less PA noise and advertisements and mythological crap beamed on the scoreboards, not more. ala Pink Floyd's "Another Brick in the Wall"... Hey NFL, leave those fans alone!

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