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May have to drive  to Chi-Town to catch the festivities.


ObjectiveBearFan should be excited about all the potential new clientele that will be in the city for the weekend.


Shoeless, please photoshop the number 6 in front of the five.

1) tickets are free. But you have to stand in line.
2) 1st day & 2nd day are most sought after to get in.
3) 3rd day. Very easy to get in. Names read off a card but I personally need to be there from start to finish (round 4-7) to retain my "diehard status".

I have VIP tickets mailed to me every year due to my diehard status so I won't need to stand in line. If they start charging for tickets, I doubt people will show up or very few will. TBH it can be quite boring unless you're truly into the scouting aspect of the draft.

On day 3 we get into the VIP party where we get free food & soda. That's kind of nice. You might be able to pay to get into that, not sure.

Less than 130 of us have diehard status on the planet & I expect to lose a few more in 2015 because about half the diehards (or more) were from NY.

Let me know if you're going
Originally Posted by Boris:
I have ooodles more respect for Bear fans

I don't know any J-E-T-S fans, but I  know dozens of bear fans and they're all pretty much like...



(except BND of course)

Last edited by Shoeless Joe

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