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my family plays a lot of board games.  One thing that makes them fun for every one os the element of randomness.  The most skilled player doesn’t always win; the luck of the dice is always a factor.

well, watching the Packer-Falcon and the Cowboy-Eagle games today the officiating has taken over the role of the dice ( pun not intended) .  The NFL can talk parity all it wants, but the real reason any team can win any game is the complete randomness of the officiating.  Even the “rule experts” in the booths have no idea where the calls are coming from.

Maybe it’s what the league wants.  Maybe it’s what some fans want.  I don’t know. I really don’t care.  I do think the officials should roll big 20-sided dice every play, at least then we would have a clue as to why they are calling what they are calling.

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I still can’t fathom those challenges today not being overturned. The no call on the blow to Aaron’s head yet when you see a defender just brush the helment as he’s swatted at the ball called. The “rub” play is ruled one way one week and then another way the next week. 

Strangely what’s worse is I still watch. 🤷‍♂️

Hah! Great minds, JAPF.
I had started a topic for the exact same reason.
Also watching the DAL/PHI game, and that last 3 mins of the game had eye-popping horrendous calls, and non-calls.

Unless there is a conspiracy bigger than anything we know of...I would guess the game is just too fast (and HD cameras too good) for 5 or 6 guys to watch and accurately call the actions of 22 men.

I'd love to hear how a ref can "see" an OPI against the Philly TE (atrocious call) but he doesn't "see" the Dallas defender creaming him in the facemask in the endzone (so hard it knocked his helmet off!).

I don’t disagree Blair.  The point is there is an element of randomness to the game that effects the outcome.

Now, think back to before replay.  That randomness was there too (lots of missed calls) but the NFL decided that randomness was bad and tried to remove it. Well, the randomness is back and even greater.  Does the NFL like the randomness now?  Maybe that’s the away with replay.  Maybe the bad calls won’t hurt so much when they are happening at live speed and not in HD slow motion played over and over.

Fedya posted:

The problem is that TV will still replay them over and over in 4K and slo-mo.

Yup, no way out.  As Bob Knight once infamously said, sit back  and enjoy it.  Lots of fun endings this year no matter the D or calls one way or another.

If you truly abhor it turn it off.  The latest ratings I have seen indicate folks are not tuning out.  

This may not be our dads football or our football but it's what we have.

I know....sometimes it's lonely being a leader.

While I watched today it was because....

  1. I'm on vacation.
  2. Wifey wanted to drink & watch football
  3. I have nothing better to do. 
  4. Watched via free stream & free WiFi.

Next week I'll be on a plane during the game. I expect another Packer blowout victory.

Told ya they would play better with MM out.

The NFL is still controlling games with their officials. I refuse to watch this product regularly & I don't GAF if I'm the only one on the planet.

I don't have a personal Facebook account either. I want to be the only person on the planet that doesn't.

Fedya posted:

The problem is that they can't even get replay right.

Not only that, but the rules seem to change from week to week. 

Clay’s hit on Cousins, which cost us the game, was complete BS, and yet the numbnuts tv rules guy said that according to the new NFL rules, the call was correct. 

Fast forward two weeks later and those  same hits were happening across the league and flags weren’t being thrown. There were even a couple of Clay’s hits that were identical to the one he was penalized for....and no flags. 

Did the league realize that their new roughing the passer rules were ridiculous, and did they then adjust the rules without telling anybody? Or did they inform the teams that they screwed up and we’re going to change the way they called the games?

Either way, fans were left wondering wtf was going on and if the games were fixed. 

After watching the end of the Cowboys/Eagles game, I can’t help but wonder how much JJ is paying the league in kickbacks to get the results that he’s not capable of obtaining on the legit. 

Last edited by bdplant

Change of subject, we have a game called Tokaido....that has very little randomness (you do occasionally draw a card). Each turn the player in last position goes and has to move forward, picking a space to land on.  Lots of neat strategy choices (do you take a space to keep an opponent from getting it or do you move way forward to a valuable space but leave multiple,e spaces behind for your opponents to take).

Last edited by justanotherpackerfan
Brainwashed Boris posted:

I don't have a personal Facebook account either. I want to be the only person on the planet that doesn't.

Hate to burst your bubble but you're not.  Several of my friends don't.  I check mine maybe once a month for about 10 minutes.

Does anyone else think that now that the front office is involved in the challenges that more headscratching calls are coming out of the booth.

The penalties in the Eagles game at the end were also crazy.  It really does take the enjoyment out of the game. 

The NFL brings in replay to cut down on missed calls and try to minimize the objectiveness of calls. As a result, the ref's job is so narrow that we expect them to be perfect and when they aren't, it's blown out of proportion. That, and the huge amounts of money in the game and the game's overblown importance, makes everyone crazy if a call is missed. Today everyone demands that refs have the eyes of Argus. 

DH13 posted:
Brainwashed Boris posted:

I don't have a personal Facebook account either. I want to be the only person on the planet that doesn't.

Hate to burst your bubble but you're not.  Several of my friends don't.  I check mine maybe once a month for about 10 minutes.

I don't.  Opened an account once 5 years ago, thought it was stupid, closed it.  Scumbag Zuckerberg is the epitome of what's wrong with the tech industry.

I closed up shop on Twitter about a year ago.  I rely on everybody else's shitty posts for that.

You expect the refs to miss some calls.  What’s incredible to me is with replay in place they are missing some obvious calls. Both Julio Jones catches should have been overturned.  But they weren’t. 

I didn’t watch the Dallas/Philly game but it sounds like there was controversy in that game as well. 

20 years ago David Stern and the NBA could not shake the officiating influence especially during the playoffs.  Turns out there was smoke and also fire when Tim Donaghy was indicted and plead guilty to betting on games.   Donaghy stated that other refs sought to influence the outcome of games (see Game 6 Lakers v Kings in 2002) and at times as a fan you knew how a game would be called.  Outside of gambling, you also knew that at that time the NBA was in love with big market teams because they drew the ratings and more importantly advertising revenues. 

Fast forward to today and the NBA has cleaned up their act somewhat and there’s more parity than ever but with the advent of legalized sports gambling I do wonder about its impact on the NFL.  There’s so much money changing hands that it would not surprise me if some refs got in on the action.  

In addition, the league is “better” if teams like the Cowboys do well so they might be taking a page from the NBA.  Ensure the big market teams play well and advance.  More eyeballs on the games will draw ratings and $$$$ for the league.  All this despite the notion that the NFL ratings have been suffering the last few years.  

Then there’s the rule changes that have absolutely turned around the ratings.  More offense and scoring and more fans are watching.  Nevermind the quality of the product is less appealing but it is what it is.  The Clay Matthews hit seems like decades ago but it is still being felt today. 

I DVRd the game yesterday and probably ended up watching about half of it.  Fallout 76 was far more entertaining for me anyway.  Good to see them get the W. 

Last edited by Tschmack

The Refs took a touchdown away from the Bengals yesterday. Claimed the QB had given himself up when he was stretching for the goaline. He was untouched and they called it a TD on the field. They then reversed it after review.

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