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Wow, ridiculous. I'd be pissed if I were a Ravens fan. How hard is it for the Orioles to move the game up three hours or move a single regular season home game (one out of 81) 30 miles down the road to RFK? The Orioles have some talent on that team, but the odds of them being competitive in September are basically nil with the competition they're facing in the AL East. This is pure petulance on the part of baseball and the Orioles, their way sticking a finger in the eye of a sport that surpassed them a long time ago.
It doesn't really sound to me like it's the Orioles as much as everyone else in the scheduling department. And I'm not sticking up for the Orioles, either. Angelos is a real prick and there was quite a hullabuloo with the Nats regarding TV rights and such.

I couldn't care less if the Baltimorons don't get to see their favs at home or not. It's so congested around that stadium, inner harbor area, etc. that I doubt it mattered how much earlier the baseball game would have been played it would still be a cluster ****!!
Blaming the Orioles is misguided. I'm glad MLB stuck to their guns and said no. NFLFU could have easily played game on Wednesday night like last year. They had no problems playing on the holiday last year on Sunday night and they sure as hell have no problems playing on Christmas.

Also MLB players union rules prohibit a day game if both teams had to travel the day before.
Originally posted by Salmon Dave:
Really? I never would have known that. I guess I figured all the teams from the Northeastern Seaboard cities would draw good audiences.

I imagine they'll get a post-Super Bowl bandwagon bump, but I'm not sure how much that would amount to.

Facebook did a really nice data mashup of who was rooting for whom during the playoffs. Maps of the country showed states and the trend as certain teams got knocked out. For every step of the way *except* the Super Bowl, the Ravens basically only had Maryland behind them. Every other team's fanbase grew as they stayed longer in the playoffs except the Ravens.

As weird as it sounds they are a niche market with a small fan base.

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