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Originally Posted by Music City:

Us fans will be happy about the win and all the points... but you can bet Bo is beside himself with the poor defense. There were a lot of breakdowns in the P&R, a lot of uncontested shots, and if they play like that against MSU, they'll get run out of the gym.


Fun win, but plenty of coaching to be done.

True enough, but lost in Kaminsky's historic day was Huff fron ND scoring nearly 40 himself and single handedly keeping ND in the game. The dude was playing possessed.



β€œI had no idea until the players on the bench pleaded with me to give him one more possession. I just thought back to 1969, when my dad held a grudge against my college coach because yours truly had 43 points and the record by a guy from Temple was like 50 points,” Ryan said. β€œWith four minutes to go, I come out of the game, and I had to listen to my dad all those years when he got around Coach Rainey. He’d say, β€˜Why didn’t you leave the boy in? Why didn’t you let him do it?’ I didn’t really care.

β€œSo I thought about Frank’s folks. I’m serious. I thought about his folks, I thought about his friends. And it wasn’t like it was a 40-point game. So β€˜one more possession’, was all I said. If the team didn’t get him the ball, that was it. And guess what? They got him the ball. But it does come back from being in that position once, and giving a guy a chance to do something that’s pretty special. He earned an opportunity.”

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