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Originally posted by Fedya:
I thought the stupider idea was as a friend accompanied us on this trip..

Unless the friend was part of working on Baby #2.

O ye merry men... Nope, friend was a single male searching for a wife... Maui has plenty of women. Seriously, what did you think... that he slept in OUR room???


We don't believe in pawning off kids to grandparents or something. Our 16 month is OUR responsibility and that's why she came along. You're right, it was not the best arrangement in the world when you want to work on a brother for her, but... the trip was just as much for her too...

She had a blast in Maui on the beach and the areas we visited. The suite allowed us privacy after we put her to sleep.
very sad story Cal.

My folks eagerly anticipate opportunities to watch their grandchildren, they feel times like that are special. I am thankful they don't see it as being "pawned" off, but I guess our family is like that.

We also made a decision to try and make our child in the bedroom, but we did go exotic a couple times in the living room. Worked like a charm. Have you considered having intercourse more often instead of traveling with children and guests? I'm not saying that just because it worked for us it will work for you, but I guess you just have to do what it takes.
Last edited by "We"-Ka-Bong
Originally posted by El-Ka-Bong:
very sad story Cal.

My folks eagerly anticipate opportunities to watch their grandchildren, they feel times like that are special. I am thankful they don't see it as being "pawned" off, but I guess our family is like that.

Wow, I expect to get needled being a Bucs fan in a Packers forum, but I never thought anyone who knows NOTHING about my parents would question their or my family's desire to see their grandchildren.

You're right El-Ka_Bong, your family is the only one that cares about their grandchildren. Roll Eyes Cause God knows, your family is like that... Roll Eyes

What if I told you they are 80 and in declining physical condition? What if I told you, they live 7 minutes from me and see my daughter everyday despite whatever physical problems they might have? Then, would you feel like the jackass you are? Mad

What if I told you that my wife and I love our daughter so much that we cannot enjoy a vacation without her presence? Cause that's the type of family we are...

How sad...
Originally posted by CALBuccaneer:
What if I told you they are 80 and in declining physical condition? What if I told you, they live 7 minutes from me and see my daughter everyday despite whatever physical problems they might have? Then, would you feel like the jackass you are? Mad

So if they were in better health and didn't live 7 minutes away and see your daughter everyday, then you would've pawned her off on them?

Or not?

Well, which is it, CAL? Why do you have to put qualifiers on it? Why can't you just be a man and take a damn stand for God's sake?
I'm not sure either, nothing wrong with not leaving your children in the care of elderly grandparents, just say so. Implying that having other people care for your children for date nights or vacations (especially family members who love and care for your offspring) as "pawning" along with that action being a way to avoid responsibility does seem sad to me.

I think you (Cal) are upset because you made your statement to appeal to your own sense of nobility (We don't believe in pawning off kids to grandparents or something. Our 16 month is OUR responsibility) and did not get a response in kind. Same as announcing how amazing your life is that you can take a trip to Hawaii just to have sex, something very few on X4 could do. When the response isn't "how awesome is Calbuc" you get pissy.

I don't begrudge you your money or the opportunities it presents for you. I wish you and everyone else the amazing opportunities of travel, luxury items, etc that money can buy. Perhaps, if you recognized how blessed you are with more humbleness, you would get a different response from people. I also wish for health and longevity for your family, time spent with grandchildren is always a blessing, hopefully that time does not soon come to an end. If you notice, I never once made any type of assumption, implication or statement about your parents. I find it interesting that you snapped at me as though I did.

So no, I don't think of myself as a jackass. I also don't perceive my family is the only one who appreciates time with grandchildren. My parents say over and over again how they wish (with better health) that they could do more. We do what we can to support their time with our two children, but it does make me sad that they feel they aren't giving more (when we appreciate immensely what time they can share). You, on the other hand, are welcome to think me the jackass that if it ultimately makes you feel better.
El Ka Bong,

Where did money enter the conversation? Where in the world was this about money? I merely posted about Maui to give some people who may have thought of traveling there this summer some hints of where to go and what to do. I am hardly the first person to start such a thread about their travels. But, now it is all about money???

This reminds me of when I did a thread about my wife dropping the garage door on our newly bought car. The idea was to make people laugh and say it's pretty funny that you drop a garage door on a new car,... Alas, some chose to make it about something else. Does it matter that it was a Lexus or if it was a Hyundai? I mean, the point is my wife lowered the garage door on a new car less than 24 hours after we had it.

That brings me to my next point. You say that I should try humbleness and realize how blessed I am... El Ka Bong, I am a practicing Muslim. FIVE TIMES A DAY, I get on my knees and bow to Our Creator, the same God Prophet Abraham prayed and bowed to. After each of those five prayers, the first thing I say is Thank You to the Lord for His Mercy and Blessings. I know firsthand that the line between a comfortable life and a harsh life is razor-thin and it can be taken away. Believe me when I tell you, I KNOW I have much to be thankful for...and I am not referring to money. I am rich because I have the greatest set of parents, a loving wife and daughter, and a terrific brother. I am rich for the wonderful people I have met and befriended in my life. Financally, we are not "rich" despite some people's perceptions.

As for the "pawning off" comment, here is the intention behind that. One, there is a difference between a four hour "date night" when you leave the grandkids with the grandparents and a WEEK long vacation to somewhere. To me, it is selfish to leave grandkids with grandparents for a whole week while one goes to have fun in Maui. Parenthood, from the way I was raised, is about sacrificing your needs for the needs of your children. My parents are in good enough shape to see her a few hours every day but cannot support a week 24/7 because of their age. If there is any nobility in what I did, it is that I would sacrifice my time on vacation to bring my daughter along versus burdening them (my parents) with something that would exact a toll on them physically. But, Hungry5 still chose to belittle me by saying that is a stupid idea. Honestly, I thought this thread was a bit childish and silly but hey, there's no football and all of us are bored.

I guess I was also thinking about my wife's siblings (10 of them) who have ALL burdened their parents with the grandkids while they go off to work each day. Maybe that is why I used the term pawned off. They definitely are not accepting responsibility for their own creations and are making it the grandparents burden.

El-KaBong, you have been insulting in the past (towards me), but I noticed some of the edge let off after you became a moderator. I apologize for calling you a jackass. I assure you, I am very aware that one day I will stand before God and be judged. I appreciate your good wishes and I wish you and everyone here the same for their respective families. Hope that clears up both sides of the story...

There is so much that people here do not know about me and my family and our life. And I do not know much about any of your lives except for maybe Hauser.
Last edited by "We"-Ka-Bong

thank you for telling me how humble you are, I see it now. Basing that statement on your actions was wrong. I also should not feel sadness about the statement you made that you did not mean, but kinda meant, but did mean in a very elaborate context. Calling me a jackass was also the most humble way to respond to a post, since I called you horrible, nasty names in my post (though, in my defense, I thought I was talking about myself and my family). You are also correct, there were never undertones of money in your posts. That clearly was an isolated mistake on my behalf. I hope someday to go to Maui to sort that out personally, depending on if I can get someone to watch my kids.
Originally posted by El-Ka-Bong:

thank you for telling me how humble you are, I see it now. Basing that statement on your actions was wrong. I also should not feel sadness about the statement you made that you did not mean, but kinda meant, but did mean in a very elaborate context. Calling me a jackass was also the most humble way to respond to a post, since I called you horrible, nasty names in my post (though, in my defense, I thought I was talking about myself and my family). You are also correct, there were never undertones of money in your posts. That clearly was an isolated mistake on my behalf. I hope someday to go to Maui to sort that out personally, depending on if I can get someone to watch my kids.

Now I AM convinced you and Pablo are jackasses. Razzer
Last edited by CALF ootball Fan
Originally posted by Hungry5:
I have heard from at least two sources that EKB is not a jackass.

That damned Arrigo.

Wife and I made our second baby at exotic Sheboyghan Wisconsin. The Best Western is particularly lovely in December. Much like Calbuc we took our 2 year old so he could watch and learn. I'm an excellent teacher. I'm sure you are too, calbuc. Wish the jackasses would catch on instead of pawning their kids on YOUR parents before schtupping their wives.

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