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@Boris posted:

I'm glad some of this stuff is coming out knew some of this shit would eventually come out. Howard Stern famously said something back then...."Any one of us with HALF that evidence would be sitting on death row."

Money.....Pieces of paper with pictures of dead Presidents on can buy your way out of anything if you have enough of It.

The "justice" system is just SHIT.

Per Alan Dershowitz who was on OJs defense team...the reason OJ was acquitted was that the defense proved the police lab screwed around with evidence. They poured blood from a test tube onto a sock and claimed it was evidence. There is a trace chemical that can be found in blood that is in a test tube that proved that and induced "reasonable doubt."

He said the real shame is that doing that was unnecessary...there was an abundance of evidence to convict OJ of the murders.

The judicial system is far from perfect, but I'll still take the one we have over most other countries.

America isn't the only place where people get wrongly imprisoned and the guilty go free.

@YATittle posted:

If that did happen with the sock none of that happened with all the other blood evidence.

The glove sealed the deal. The glove didn't fit (because the dried blood shrank it).

The prosecutors were second tier. They should have brought in an identical pair of new gloves, explained to the jury about the shrinkage in the blood soaked pair, then they would have had a chance.

@D J posted:

The glove sealed the deal. The glove didn't fit (because the dried blood shrank it).

The prosecutors were second tier. They should have brought in an identical pair of new gloves, explained to the jury about the shrinkage in the blood soaked pair, then they would have had a chance.

I do agree with you on the prosecutors being fools about that glove.

Part of the glove-fitting fiasco was due to OJ's meds for arthritis - which are used to reduce swelling. He was advised that if he stopped taking them, his hands would swell and his joints would stiffen. And they did.

The combination of those changes and the dried -blood shrinkage led to his acting job...and the gloves apparently not fitting.

@D J posted:

The glove sealed the deal. The glove didn't fit (because the dried blood shrank it).

The prosecutors were second tier. They should have brought in an identical pair of new gloves, explained to the jury about the shrinkage in the blood soaked pair, then they would have had a chance.

Marcia Clark and Christopher Darden were inept for the prosecution. Throw in a celebrity seeking Judge, IMO, in Lance Ito, and the circus was set to fail. Robert Kardashian had allegedly gained access to OJ's apartment and removed the bloody sweatpants and shirt OJ wore on the night of the murders. Just a horrific amount of screw ups by the police and the prosecution, on that case.

@mrtundra posted:

Marcia Clark and Christopher Darden were inept for the prosecution. Throw in a celebrity seeking Judge, IMO, in Lance Ito, and the circus was set to fail. Robert Kardashian had allegedly gained access to OJ's apartment and removed the bloody sweatpants and shirt OJ wore on the night of the murders. Just a horrific amount of screw ups by the police and the prosecution, on that case.

Absolutely, they had VIDEO of Kardashian removing the bag with the incriminating evidence.

Burn in hell, Robert.

@Satori posted:

Part of the glove-fitting fiasco was due to OJ's meds for arthritis - which are used to reduce swelling. He was advised that if he stopped taking them, his hands would swell and his joints would stiffen. And they did.

The combination of those changes and the dried -blood shrinkage led to his acting job...and the gloves apparently not fitting.

Obligatory George Costanza gif : r/MormonShrivel

@YATittle posted:

Absolutely, they had VIDEO of Kardashian removing the bag with the incriminating evidence.

Burn in hell, Robert.

Yup, it's too often a two-tier justice system. Stuff was allowed to happen with the evidence that should never have been done, like the removal of evidence. Crap like that and having a famous name and enough money to hire the best name-brand lawyers goes a long way in our justice system. We can only hope that someday that won't be the case.

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