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I want to thank everyone here for their prayers and support. I have got a job! After being abandoned by Boise State University after 26 years I service, I have a job as a high school teacher, something I haven't done in many years.

6 months into unemployment now; 8 months when the job starts. this experience has been humbling, and I feel sympathy for anyone else going through it in this economy. If anyone wants my advice on the subject, feel free to PM me. Saw a news story the other day saying that there were over 700,000 men between the ages of 35-64 (roughly) who have now been unemployed over a year. I'd guess most of those are heads of households with families to feed. All in all a very sobering statistic.

Go Pack, Go!
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Great news.

These companies or anyone offering employment definitely looks at your age even though we all know they "can't" Roll Eyes

No age discrimination at all. Right?!?!? Uh huh....
Originally posted by RoyalWulff:
Saw a news story the other day saying that there were over 700,000 men between the ages of 35-64 (roughly) who have now been unemployed over a year.
Go Pack, Go!

My wife is one of the statistics. She has had interviews but ends up being "over qualified".
Originally posted by Boris:
Great news.

These companies or anyone offering employment definitely looks at your age even though we all know they "can't" Roll Eyes

No age discrimination at all. Right?!?!? Uh huh....

Yeah, that has definitely been a part of the problem. Makes me angry. Instead of valuing the experience and wisdom of a mature worker, everyone wants the young guy at an entry level salary! I worry about how our kids' generation are going to be able to make it to retirement age if this continues.
Grats, Wulff.

6 more years and I retire, hope I can hold on. I should make it, many of today's kids are entitled and preoccupied with texting, personal business, etc. One guy I work with changes into his workout clothes 20 minutes before quitting time, but his boss lets him get away with it. I must be old school, I wouldn't ever consider doing that. I hope you can help the kids you teach learn what a work ethic is.
Originally posted by RoyalWulff:
Originally posted by Boris:
Great news.

These companies or anyone offering employment definitely looks at your age even though we all know they "can't" Roll Eyes

No age discrimination at all. Right?!?!? Uh huh....

Yeah, that has definitely been a part of the problem. Makes me angry. Instead of valuing the experience and wisdom of a mature worker, everyone wants the young guy at an entry level salary! I worry about how our kids' generation are going to be able to make it to retirement age if this continues.
Everyone wants the young guy so they can pay them entry level salaries. Pull them around by the nose hairs and tell them what a great job they are doing. I thank god everyday that I am self employed. I can't put up with that BS. Kids don't have a chance coming out of the gate these days. They hit the streets and are already bombarded with debt.
For other aged workers, here's a short article I read last year which I found interesting in how some companies are looking at inexperienced hiring. And inexperienced does not mean young in all cases.
Great news for you, RW!!! I've never lost a job before (been in the IT dept at the same hospital for 28 years) and it scares me to death to think I'd ever have to look for another job. I know I'm over paid and under qualified for most IT jobs that are out there.
Good on you RW!

As for me, lost my job on March 1st, and am almost 61 now. Not much out there and due to some health issues not much I can do anyway. Cant get unemployment so living off my military retirement (which pays most of the bills) and savings for the rest. Likely will have to take early SS when I turn 62, but it is what it is. Always planned to work alot longer, but sometimes life throws curveballs at you that are difficult to overcome.

Stupid prior employer still has not contacted me about the pension money I had accumulated in almost 14 years with them (which is a fair amount, but not enormous by any means), guess I'll have to force the issue.

Note to anyone after you get into your 50's, better have a good savings plan to tide you over for awhile. Because, if they want you gone for any reason they will make it happen.

In my case the handwriting became crystal clear the last couple years, as I was making almost twice what a new manager started at. Then my glowing performance appraisals turned very bad, even though I led my store to unprecedented 16&17% growth over that time, best in our region by far. Yet, recieved NO credit for it those last 2 years. But, the top brass increasingly became very mean and started finding negative things to pound me on for little or no reason. It got to the point of continuing to take the unwarranted punishment or quit. Other factors played as well, but had they supported me in those issues, like they had in the past, I'd still be there. Of course they wont admit it but I'm not the first old person they forced out after turning 60, just one of several.

Your story really is sad------sounds like you might have some ammunition to lawyer-up? Even a little "settlement" to make you go quietly into the good-night.
Sorry to hear about your situation DurangoDoug. I hope things turn around for you.

I ,also, am a baby boomer trying to survive in the labor market until reaching "full" retirement age. I've had bouts with unemployment and it has scared the h**l out of me. I think anyone past the age of 40 and certainly 50, better be prepared for their employers to consider that they have reached their employment expiration date.

In today's workplace, all jobs are temporary.
Originally posted by :

Note to anyone after you get into your 50's, better have a good savings plan to tide you over for awhile. Because, if they want you gone for any reason they will make it happen.

Sorry about your situation man. At least you had the military gig to help you through. It amazes me the people that never plan for something really ****ty to happen.

Or "wakeup" one day and they are 55plus and hardly have a dime saved or to their name.

Other day I am at a factory for a 64 year old man that chopped two of his fingers off working on a machine. In his 60's making $13 per hour and having to hump his ass off until he dies because he really has nothing. Now minus two fingers. Gotta ask for permission to go piss or grab a drink of water....but give him credit he is working and doing something.

Every time I see that or see someone that works a hell of a lot harder then I do (which doesn't take much) for way less cash and benies...reminds me to be thankful for what I have.
Yeah where I live some architects in their 50s have struggled to stay employed. I know one guy who finally gave up and is waiting to take early Social Security at 62. Not cause he wants to....

Save when you're young. If you're under 30, you think it's a long way away. It'll be on you as fast as CMIII.
My father went through the same thing couple years ago. 30 years at the same job, got laid off a year and a half before he could retire. And same story, they started hiring young guns who did shoddy work. Pa would bring this up, saying it's costing the company money, need to train these guys, etc. Management didn't like that so got rid of him. He was devastated.

Thank god he was able to ride out unemployment until he could retire. My folks don't come from a privileged background. Learned right there (as a younger person) to start saving. Works been good for me these last few years (better than ever really) but all of it goes into savings/retirement. I don't want to end up like pa did.

Funny postscript to this story. The company he was working at for 30 years went bankrupt 2 years after he was laid off. Karma's a bitch I guess.
Originally posted by Boris:
No age discrimination at all. Right?!?!? Uh huh....

You're preaching to the choir here. I noticed it shortly after I turned 40. (That was just a "few" years ago...)

Seven and a half years as a "temp" and counting. Roll Eyes It's a paycheck.

Congratulations, RoyalWulff!!! Have fun dealing with the hormones! Eeker

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