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Originally posted by Fedya:
Originally posted by lovepack:
103. When you're the first person to reply to a post, go ahead and quote the post anyway, in your reply, as we've forgotten it's content already.

104. As with other homophones like their, there, and they're, x4 users should be versed in the correct usage of its and it's. Razzer

Hey, lets not start using derogatory terms.
108) If your job is in IT make sure from time to time you prove this subtly by bringing up examples of your skill. If your job is not in IT, ensure it is boldly mentioned at least once a year in an IT thread. No examples are needed.

109) Pretend you know the rules of the Toure de France on threads covering this topic. Don't worry, everyone posting will pretend also. No one will jump in the thread and call out the pretenders in the post either. It's just not worth it, they figure, trying to set those of us straight who just love the American dominance in the European venue.
Originally posted by justanotherpackerfan:

That darn Zoolander has to be one of the worst posters ever here.

And he's sooo vain!

Originally posted by justanotherpackerfan:
Hey, lets not start using derogatory terms.

Sorry JAPF, I just don't have much use for homophones.

111. If repeated unpleasant posts leave you unpopular on the board, it is important to improve the situation by complaining bitterly about "the IN crowd" on the board.
1. Idot is spelled Idot.
Re:Appendix 1a. "Idot: is spelled that way because when "Lionheart" was going to "colledge" ("kollege") to "lern" to be an "atterny" he "herd" a Lion Fan say "Fart will chock". It was our MIA Lionheart who first said all of the above. (I think)

2. If you are going to use different handles, don't be a bonehead cuz Scoop will eventually get you.

3. When you are proven wrong on a thread, you just have to end it with a joke and everyone will forgive and forget.

4. Don't pick on Brett Favre too much or you are gone.

5. When completely frustrated by a bait thread, respond with what you ate that day, starting with breakfast.

6. Don't start too many OT threads because someone will complain in an OT thread that too many OT threads are being started.

7. Accept that there are Viking fans spending too much time here but understand that they would pick up your mail and mow your lawn while you are away.

8) Understand that if you question the dominance that is UW mens hoops you will get beat down.
8a) Understand you should know hardware count before you question the dominance that is UW mens hoops. Also, its alright to accept that Marquette and UW-M are second fiddle in the state of Wisconsin in College Hoops.
8b) Understand that 1 national championship over a 100 year period doesn't make you better than teams that have been more successful year in and year out over their respective (team) histories.
8c.) Understand that Rule 8b has been thrown out due to the fact it is misleading and could be misconstrued as pertaining to any team in Wisconsin. Please refer back to Rule 8a as gospel(Especially the second part).

9) Vindictive PM's are the surest way to get booted off the board.

10) Not all people that live in MN (and post on this site) are Vikings Fans

11. To keep from getting hurt, you MUST send chocolate to QuietOne.

12 NO politics! (even I struggle with that one)

13. don't tug on superman's cape.

14. don't spit into the wind.

15. don't pull the mask off the old lone ranger ...

16. and don't mess around with Jim.

17. A lot is two words "a" "lot", not alot or allot...

18. Be sure to use your and you're properly, or you're sure to get the grammar police on your arse.

19. Arse is another way of saying ass.

20. Be sure to indicate that when a player re-ups with his same team that you say he has "resigned" and not "re-signed" so that everyone is initially thrown off thinking the player retired.

21. Check the local Quik Trip for smoking Packers.

22. Watch the Daily Show and only the Daily Show for your news.

23. Favre did it first.

24. It's all Shermans's fault

25. Rob Davis is a waste of a roster spot

26. Randy Moss was a team guy, and was not a cancer. But now that he is traded the team will be better off because he was a distraction.
26a. Vikings fans are allowed to use circular logic and not be held accountable for past posts.

27. japf is the designated "thread killer"

28. Jamal Reynolds is a Bust!

29. Celebrities can only die in groups of 3.

30. No debate is settled until The Classy Tony Dungy weighs in.

31. Your favorite college player should be the Pack's #1 pick (regardless of roster needs.)

32. The following are considered sports: Football, baseball, basketball, golf, hockey, lacrosse, NASCAR, F1 racing, running, biking, fishing, skiing,...

33. The following are not considered sports: Football, baseball, basketball, golf, hockey, locrosse, NASCAR, F1 racing, running, biking, fishing, skiing...

34. Another team's coach can be considered a classy guy until he says something negative about Packer fans.
34a. Another team's coach is NOT considered a classy guy just because Viking fans that post on X4 too much, say they are.
34b) Another teams' coach is not assumed to be classy because they were once affiliated with the Purple.

35. Oshbaul's posts are not meant to be replied to.

36. Antonio Dingle is the greatest player ever to be cut by Wolf.

37. Off topics should be labeled as "OT"

38. Any thread destined to be locked can be replied to with an "IB4TL" (which stands for "in before the lock").

39. The Miss Timesfour contest is the one time of the year to post cheesecake.

40. Brats should/should not be eaten with ketchup/catsup.

41. No matter how much she is ridiculed, Fedya will continue to make posts about Justine.

42. All Packer players are the greatest, except if they are cut or traded. Then they are the suckiest player who ever lived.

43. FART WILL CHOCK!!!!!!!!!!

44. If a celebrity dies, kudos for you to post the first thread

45. If someone is cut from another team, see above and change thread to "could the Packers use him"

46. Sherman must be fired "NOW!" after every loss.

47. Popular ex-players always make good coaches and there must be some conspiracy preventing them from getting a coaching job with the Packers, even when said player has publicly stated they don't want to go into coaching.

48. There is always more to the story than meets the eye, my friend!!!

49. Oldnavy is the final arbiter on all issues concerning the proper preparation and consuming of bratwurst. Anything lovepack has to say about brats is to be totally disregarded.

50. SK will not post on the forum unless there is an opportunity to whine about Brett Favre, a Packers loss or a potential Packers loss.

51. Any discussion of the Iowa Hawkeyes is strictly forbidden on the Badgers forum unless it's something negative and/or derogatory.
51a. A violation of Rule 51 should carry a punishment of detassling corn every summer for life !
51b) NOT maintaining rule 51 in principle should result in a penalty of having your college football posting rights revoked!

52) Women from Texas have thick ankles

53) Dilweed really doesn't like the Packers

54) Tuna favors veteran ballplayers over rookie ballplayers

55) Baseball is America's #1 sport and favorite pastime

56. The Cowboys are America's Team because NFL films says they are

57. There is always more to scoop's cryptic posts than meets the eye. Arrrggg...but what is it?!?!

58. Timesfour is actually a front for a massive cartel.

59. Ron Wolf never did it that way.

60. And Jamal Reynolds is still a bust!

61.) In the off-season, start a OT thread asking why there are soo manyOT threads.

62. No matter how often proved wrong, Longwell's kickoffs are the shortest in the NFL.

63) Bubba Franks is considered worthless because he can't run after the catch

64) Wonderlic scores don't matter for NFL players

65) Pit bulls may or may not be dangerous

66. Someone will point out that your post has already been mentioned (on the very first post, yet!)

67) Do not bring up jonathan brown or joey jameson as examples of Ron Wolf's horrendous drafting

68) If you have only one thing to contribute, don't let that stop you from contributing it as frequently as possible.

69) lombardi would've done it exactly opposite ... and better.

70) do not ever bash the Brewers because they have a bunch of guys in the minors that are developing nicely.

71) understand that it is not the Vikings fault that the league or the refs have it in for them and that's why they can never get over the hump

72) know that Detroit Pistons fans aren't poorly behaved; rather they are just misunderstood.

73. B.J. Sander will never be more than a camp leg.

74. Every time Brett throws an interception he should be benched for Nall.

75. this is brett's last season.

76. And Jamal Reynolds is still a bust!

77. See Rule 78

78. See Rule 77

79. Rule 77 & 78 shall be strictly enforced!!

80. Never criticize a player who went to the University of Miami.

81. A team, like a train, that is getting it right, is getting "on track", not "untracked".

82. If you need a special avatar, see TimthePackerfan

83. If something in your post gets edited, it can be said to have been [poofed].

84. If you post a poll or edit a post or something out of the ordinary like that, sometimes it will develop a "mad face" smiley icon that you didn't put there. Relax, it happens for some inscrutable reason, and there's nothing you can do about it.

85. Scoop and Oshbaul--ever seen them in the same room together?--went to the same mysterious Far Eastern school?--or just separated at birth?

86. No profanity. Putting in a @'s or $'s doesn't make it not profanity.

87. One of the people who declares Brett gone or washed up will eventually be right, so quite a few people want that particular medal.

88. LIONHEART doesn't come around any more but Scoop knows more than he's saying.

89. Lorenzo's Babe doesn't come around as often any more because she's busy planning her wedding. But she still has this thing about sweaty pictures of Brett Favre and has reportedly still been seen from time to time, skulking around Lambeau with a butterfly net.

Appendix 1.a Idot is spelled that way because that's the way a former Mr. Know-it-all poster (Mr Ftball?) spelled it. Spelled that way, it's the one pejorative that is allowed to be directed toward other board members.

90. Oh yeah, this used to be a written one--well, words to this effect--but now it's not: "I will not make derogatory remarks about fellow posters; I will not assume multiple identities.

91. Do not prematurely proclaim Favre's retirement...even if your mom says so.

92. Tony Mandrich, Jamal Reynolds, and Torrence Marshall are busts.

93) Don't be afraid to use the "Edit" utility to its full extent so as not to look like a fool worldwide.

94. Use "there" & "their" correctly....

95. The Bears are the Packers' chief and most-hated rival. Unless you are under 40 and don't really understand the concept of "historic rivalry"; then it's the Vikings.

96. The Vikings are the Packers chief and most hated rival. Unless you are over 40 and enjoy living in the past.

97. The BADger board is "moderated"
97a. Only one person on the Badger board has ever had to be moderated.

98. Lacrosse is the male stripper capital
98. The contents of Acorn Stew must never be questioned

99. Some people have over 8000 meaningless posts
99a. Someone must always ruin a nice thread by starting a political discussion
99b. Everyone must then respond to the post, thereby making the thread unable to be repaired

100) Ketchup can be put on Bratwurst.

101. Stupid is spelled stoopid

102. If someone posts a personal attack, politcal comment, etc., do not quote it in a post telling the person what a bad, disallowed, disgusting post that was. Also, do not quote the person who told him so, including the quote of the quote of the original, and agree. That just drives your friendly neighborhood mods nuts when they have to poof it 3 times. If they aren't in the mood, the whole thread is likely to be locked or poofed. It's really very easy to hit the "report a post" triangle and/or say without quoting them, something like "Zoolander, your last post (or "Your post near the top of this page" or "on Page 1", or whatever) is totally inappropriate."

103. When you're the first person to reply to a post, go ahead and quote the post anyway, in your reply, as we've forgotten it's content already.

104. As with other homophones like their, there, and they're, x4 users should be versed in the correct usage of its and it's.

105. If you find a story that is OT and really off the wall, don't bother posting it, Fedya probably beat you to it.

106. You bad mouth Baseball and the WRATH of TUNA will descend upon you!!!
106a. NO, NOT THAT!

107. scoop must answer the question, "why the name 'X4'?", at least once per month.

108. No matter what the topic you might eventually see this.....

108) If your job is in IT make sure from time to time you prove this subtly by bringing up examples of your skill. If your job is not in IT, ensure it is boldly mentioned at least once a year in an IT thread. No examples are needed.

109) Pretend you know the rules of the Toure de France on threads covering this topic. Don't worry, everyone posting will pretend also. No one will jump in the thread and call out the pretenders in the post either. It's just not worth it, they figure, trying to set those of us straight who just love the American dominance in the European venue.

110. Never, ever even subtly hint that Midwestern women can't hold their own beauty-wise vs. women from other parts of the country....

111. If repeated unpleasant posts leave you unpopular on the board, it is important to improve the situation by complaining bitterly about "the IN crowd" on the board.

112. Posters of x4 need Football Season in the worst possible way!

113. beware of the serial killer cop in La Crosse, who mysteriously attacks drunken idots and throws them into the river

114. bollinger just wins

115. kukoc is the greatest player of all time

116. Dilweed will always defend Big Dog.

117. Somebody will correct your spelling.

118: "Queens" is another term that's often used to describe the Purple

119: "Fudgepackers" is another term that's often used to describe the Packers

120: "FIBS" is another term that's used to describe people from Illinois

121: "Idots Out Wandering Around" is a phrase used to describe people from Iowa

122: "Rube" is a term used to describe a myopic homer that doesn't get it
122a: "Rube" seems to be a term primarily used by people who live in the Twin Cities or northwestern Wisconsin.

123: "Dumpa Bay" or "Yucs" are other terms used to reference the Tampa Bay Bucs

124: "Metrodump" is another word used to describe the HHH Metrodome

125: When you "lose"'s lose..not loss...or loose...that one really bugs me...

126. The winner of the annual x4 college bowl pickem contest and the winner of the NCAA college basketball tournament bracket contest will always win an all-expense* paid trip to Eastman, WI to have a beverage with Ammo.
(* - Does not include travel or lodging (unless you plan on sleeping in the barn) and you may need to bring your own glass if your trip happens to take place on a Friday during the fish fry.)

127. When you decide to leave Timesfour forever, it is customary that the soon-to-be departed to announce so in a thread, making sure to express such displeasure.
127a. In an "I'm Leaving" thread, there is certain protocal to be followed, including several posts of "don't go!", several posts of indifference, and several that tells the soon-to-be departed to go and stay gone.
127b. After leaving permanently, it is customary to come crawling back.

128. It is considered bad form to quote an entire huge post and follow with a one word reply.
128a. It is considered even worse form to quote multiple huge posts upon quotes of multiple huge posts.

129. If a person's thread is locked, it is customary for the author of the thread to open a new thread with indignance.

130. Some Timesfour members will take the contrary opinion of everything. They are annoying!

131. Opposing teams' fans are welcome here. Many first come to only talk smack. Some have been tamed and now participate in good football discussions.

132. Some posters choose to formally introduce themsleves before they start posting. This is polite but not a requirement.

133. Every thread will eventually stray for the thread title/topic
Last edited by H5
Originally posted by Yooperfan:
Smiler Roll Eyes Re:Appendix 1a. "Idot: is spelled that way because when "Lionheart" was going to "colledge" ("kollege") to "lern" to be an "atterny" he "herd" a Lion Fan say "Fart will chock". It was our MIA Lionheart who first said all of the above. (I think)

Actually it was Mr.Ftball who was said to have been a collage coach among other jobs. He was also a Bucs fan and he ended most posts with "Tampa Bay Bucs, Super Bowl Champs XXXX" (Meaning year).
Let the nicknames and monikers fly!

118: "Queens" is another term that's often used to describe the Purple
119: "Fudgepackers" is another term that's often used to describe the Packers
120: "FIBS" is another term that's used to describe people from Illinois
121: "Idots Out Wandering Around" is a phrase used to describe people from Iowa
122: "Rube" is a term used to describe a myopic homer that doesn't get it
123: "Dumpa Bay" or "Yucs" are other terms used to reference the Tampa Bay Bucs
124: "Metrodump" is another word used to describe the HHH Metrodome

I'm sure there are more
The winner of the annual x4 college bowl pickem contest and the winner of the NCAA college basketball tournament bracket contest will always win an all-expense* paid trip to Eastman, WI to have a beverage with Ammo.

(* - Does not include travel or lodging (unless you plan on sleeping in the barn) and you may need to bring your own glass if your trip happens to take place on a Friday during the fish fry.)
127. When you decide to leave Timesfour forever, it is customary that the soon-to-be departed to announce so in a thread, making sure to express such displeasure.
127a. In an "I'm Leaving" thread, there is certain protocal to be followed, including several posts of "don't go!", several posts of indifference, and several that tells the soon-to-be departed to go and stay gone.
126b. After leaving permanently, it is customary to come crawling back.

128. It is considered bad form to quote an entire huge post and follow with a one word reply.
128a. It is considered even worse form to quote multiple huge posts upon quotes of multiple huge posts.

129. If a person's thread is locked, it is customary for the author of the thread to open a new thread with indignance.

130. Some Timesfour members will take the contrary opinion of everything. They are annoying!

131. Opposing teams' fans are welcome here. Many first come to only talk smack. Some have been tamed and now participate in good football discussions.
Originally posted by ammo:
Originally posted by Yooperfan:
Smiler Roll Eyes Re:Appendix 1a. "Idot: is spelled that way because when "Lionheart" was going to "colledge" ("kollege") to "lern" to be an "atterny" he "herd" a Lion Fan say "Fart will chock". It was our MIA Lionheart who first said all of the above. (I think)

Actually it was Mr.Ftball who was said to have been a collage coach among other jobs. He was also a Bucs fan and he ended most posts with "Tampa Bay Bucs, Super Bowl Champs XXXX" (Meaning year).
Big Grin Oh yeah, I remember now. But, the rest I believe ARE attributed to Lionheart, correct???
More Unwritten Rules:

1. Never bet replica jerseys on Bucs/Packers games... (I think I've given away five now on here)...

2. Do talk to Packer fans about Green Bay and visit Door County just cause they said it was pretty.

3. Don't tell them that Sapp is your hero... Wink

4. Post a few pics every now and then of California girls and remind them WHY the song was titled "California Girls" and NOT "Wisconsin Girls"...

5. Remind them that they don't have hot cheerleaders on the sidelines...

6. If you really want to ruin their day, start a rumor that Favre is retiring next year....oh wait, he does that himself. Razzer

7. Treat Buccaneer fans with respect and the love deserving of a brother...

8. Don't serve alcohol to CAL...

Now, Myths of Times Four:

1. CAL must be banned because he has weapons of mass Board destruction.

2. Okay, he didn't but we need to knock him off because we need to "free" Buccaneer fans... yeah, we need to teach democracy to Buc fans...then, they will become just like us... Packer fans.

3. Oh never mind, let's just let all Buc fans kill each other...what do we care?
* I not only like "ketsup" on my brats, but butter as well

* Scoop is enigmatic, likes riddles, and emulates Teddy Roosevelt and his philosophy.

* People who use few words when posting limit limit the likelihood of making typographical/spelling error and saying something they regret

* Don't speak in the 3rd person. It makes you disappear

* Do not fake your own death

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