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The end of the queens game may be in the top 15 of crazy games I have ever seen.


Not that them losing makes me happy, though it does, I almost would have rather seen the win.  Pure insanity though, that's why I love games in the elements.

It's the same deal that went on with Michael Jordan, ChiliJon. Teams/players that have reputations as being good get the calls, the bad teams get the BS, ticky-tack calls. It's not even a conscious action on the part of the officials (at least most of the time), it's something that happens on a sub-conscious level ("This team/player is one of the best, so he probably made the play cleanly. I'd better hold onto the flag").

Originally Posted by ChilliJon:
Seattle gets away with more grabbing on WR's than I've ever seen in my life. It's stupid how much crap is let go.

There is more clutching/grabbing by Seattle DBs on every play than what Cleveland got called for at the end of their game today.

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