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Section 2 Extraordinarily Unfair Acts
Article 1 The Commissioner has the sole authority to investigate and take appropriate disciplinary and/or
corrective measures if any club action, non-participant interference, or calamity occurs in an NFL game
which he deems so extraordinarily unfair or outside the accepted tactics encountered in professional
football that such action has a major effect on the result of the game.
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Originally posted by Pakrz:
Another reason why this blatant screw job won't get overturned... Think what would happen in Vegas. I think about 500 million changed hands on that call last night.

You may be right, but Vegas and or gambling should not be a consideration.
said it the game thread last nite and I'll stand by it:

sad fact is, based on the available video, a mea culpa could actually unprecedently be applied, but, as I well know, gooddell has no balls and this travesty will stand. the game is diminished forever for me. that's your legacy gooddell, you ****in smug prick, that is YOUR legacy.
First of all, I think a bad call is not even close to something like this. Secondly, never would they put that precedence. Thirdly, the gambling mess would be astronomical, the NFL would need to have some sort of "protest" rule that could be invoked that would delay the official outcome of the game (like in baseball). In fact the only sport where the outcome can seemingly be "vacated" is in baseball and it is rarely done (the George Brett pine tar incident is one of the only times I can think of). I remember the 1972? Olympic basketball final, where the Russian official kept putting time on the clock at the end of the game until Russia won, but that was the Olympics and what do you expect.

The one football game that brings this closest to mind was a Missouri v Nebraska football game where they gave Nebraska a fifth down with a few seconds left and Nebraska scored. If there was ever a time to overturn the game that probably was it, since the play never should have happened.

Oh well
That game was so mangled by that referee unit if the commissioner open the box on reversing the game result were would it stop. The Hags have some legitimate complaints against the referees in that game, just not as many and as bad as the Packers complaints.
I don't want them to be handed a win (which will never happen anyway). I want this **** stain to remain on the record, and I think it will motivate the Packers moving forward. I have some hope that it will cause a deal to go through between the league and the union.
just as I thought:
Now, as to the replay: Let's be clear about what can and can't be reviewed. Simultaneous possession between the goal lines cannot be reviewed. Simultaneous possession in the end zone can be reviewed. That's an important distinction that many in the media have not made since Elliott went under the hood.
The irony of RG is that he has constantly spoken and acted on the so called bases of "protecting the shield". For all his bullying, fines, suspensions, and flat out stubbornness, he has done more to tarnish the shield himself than all others combined.
Right now, I am picturing Goodell & Co. in a graphics room trying to edit game footage to add an arm in the melee or something like that. Based on what has transpired the last 18 hours, nothing would surprise me.

Goodell Cannot Give The Game To The Packers Today

Why Rule 17 cannot be used.


Rule 17, section 2, article 1, titled "Extraordinarily Unfair Acts — Commissioner Authority.

The Commissioner has the sole authority to investigate and take appropriate disciplinary and/or corrective measures if any club action, non-participant interference, or calamity occurs in an NFL game which he deems so extraordinarily unfair or outside the accepted tactics encountered in professional football that such action has a major effect on the result of the game.

That makes it sound like Goodell can overturn the final score. But, here is article 2:

The authority and measure provided for in this entire Section 2 do not constitute a protest machinery for NFL clubs to avail themselves of in the event a dispute arises over the result of a game...The Commissioner will not apply his authority in cases of complaints by clubs concerning judgmental errors or routine errors of omission by game officials. Games involving such complaints will continue to stand as completed.

In other words, the commissioner is not allowed to overturn a bad call. Period.
Found this comment on

It isn't a "routine error" or a "judgmental error" It is an EGREGIOUS error. This play is the very definition of the rule under the Unfair acts portion of the rules. Stop insulting our intelligence Marc. It's disgusting to try & sweep this under the rug.

All I can figure is the league is not invoking the rule because the Packers protested? I did not read anywhere that they had. Maybe that was the conversation Murphy had behind the scenes.
Goodell has already dug the trenches and is hunkered down there. He locked out the refs so had to hire the replacements. Since he hired them, he has to support them. Once he supports them he can't backtrack. Nothing is going to change his mind now. Our only hope is that this gets Goodell removed, which is what our real focus should be if we really want some sort of restitution. Goodell must go.
When Mark Murphy was over shaking hands before the game yesterday, I yelled Rule 17 at the pres. He looked up at me and said, "I tried" Then I had to explain what rule 17 was to about 30 people in the area. I was happy to hear his response.

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