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Two reasons. One, there's a wide diversity of forums now, so all of the old "OT" stuff, Brewer stuff, TOG stuff and Badger stuff is being posted in different places, which IMHO is a very good thing, as the GBP board is now almost exclusively a GBP board. Secondly, as has already been said, GB won last week. Traffic here goes through the roof when GB loses, as the haters (many of whom you'll notice have been invisible for the last week) descend onto the board like locusts and spray posts all over the place. Let's keep this in mind for when GB loses a game - the place will be anything but stale.
Originally posted by BackThePack:
Originally posted by GBFanForLife:

Not sure why there is a need for porno avatars on a sports forum.

well unfortunely for you, that isnt your call, now is it? And if you're telling me my current avatar is porno then you better relook up the meaning of exactly what porno-pornographic is.

I never said it was my call. You asked a question and I answered it. If you enjoy degrading women, that is up to you. It is a free country.
Originally posted by BackThePack:
Originally posted by GBFanForLife:
If you enjoy degrading women, that is up to you. It is a free country.

Yes because of my Avatar I enjoy degrading women now...Honestly where do you come up with this stuff? Confused

I take it,you are of the female gender?

You take it wrong. I just happen to have respect for women.
Originally posted by justanotherpackerfan:
Too be honest...I (a definate, though slightly emasculated through marriage, male) am considering bringing back my campain against the "too over the top" avatars once again. These things tend to cycle through and I think they've hit and blown past the "pushing good taste" level.

I hope you'll do so with the other mods to start. We've gone a couple of months now without a giant, weeks-long monkey poop fight on the board, so let's keep it that way when it's possible to avoid it. PM us and we'll get into it.
Originally posted by justanotherpackerfan:
Too be honest...I (a definate, though slightly emasculated through marriage, male) am considering bringing back my campain against the "too over the top" avatars once again. These things tend to cycle through and I think they've hit and blown past the "pushing good taste" level.

I hate them too, and it's not simply for reasons of taste. Back when I had dial-up, they took forever to download. I've got satellite high-speed now, but I don't get unlimited bandwidth. That, and I don't care for the barrage of posts in response to the soft-porn avatars that basically say, "Ooh, your avatar makes me horny."

Every time the avatar issue comes up, I've argued that there probably ought to be a size limit on avatars in general, not just the animated avatars. I've mentioned before that there was a poster here who used one of the wallpapers for an avatar. It's obviously appropriate for a Packer site, but: the poster used the full-sized version, not one shrunk to 80x80.

The minute I run across one of those soft-porn avatars, I open up Opera's content blocker to block them.
IMHO, most guys like football and most guys like sexy chicks. The two go hand in hand together like peanut butter and jelly. Thus, thats why there are sexy cheerleaders for most teams.

Now, I do agree there should be a limit on how far avatars should be allowed to go. Cheesecake is one thing, porn another. I'm OK with however Boris and his Mod Squad want to handle it.
That, and I don't care for the barrage of posts in response to the soft-porn avatars that basically say, "Ooh, your avatar makes me horny."

Your Big Grin right

Reading 10,000 posts b!tching about why some receiver didn't catch the ball or why pass interference calls are so subjective or debating why a certain team didn't draft THAT guy in the 6th round is so much more compelling.

That's the beauty of this board- it's like a smorgasboard of opinions and content and if you don't like it then go to Packerchatters or JSO (yeah right) or some other place. Some people on this site make it sound like this is FHM online or something.

If you want really interesting banter go to the Brewers area toobad We've run out of ways to critique our favorite squad. A distraction like avatars might be a good thing.
Softcore porn is OK even though its very likely we have kids on here. But my tribute/remembrance of 9/11 gets censored. Questionable values to say the least. But it's a privately owned board, the owner can do with it as he desires. If it gets too heavy handed, I'll go elsewhere as I suspect many have already. I'll never donate money though as things stand.

Its funny, whenever anyone stands for a little maturity and decorum around here, the orcs come out full force "calling evil good, and good evil".

FWIW, I don't expect the forum to read like my church bulletin either. Also FWIW, it's still overall a pretty good board to read for football commentary.
Originally posted by Blueshound:
Softcore porn is OK even though its very likely we have kids on here. But my tribute/remembrance of 9/11 gets censored. Questionable values to say the least. But it's a privately owned board, the owner can do with it as he desires. If it gets too heavy handed, I'll go elsewhere as I suspect many have already. I'll never donate money though as things stand.

Its funny, whenever anyone stands for a little maturity and decorum around here, the orcs come out full force "calling evil good, and good evil".

FWIW, I don't expect the forum to read like my church bulletin either. Also FWIW, it's still overall a pretty good board to read for football commentary.
what was your tribute to 911? I must have missed it. I would be curious why that would be taken down? Was it some over the top religious or political statement?

I really don't care what peoples religious or political feelings are. I am strong enough to believe what I believe without having to thump it in someones face. And I see the term "soft porn" used not by just you but others. Porn has different meanings to different people obviously.

If you are worried about what kids see on X4 you have not cruised the net much.

If you want to stick around to piss and moan thats your perogative. I would steer clear of basing values of people around here on how they come across on an internet message board.

Pretty sure this is a Packer board first.

I am also curious to see what your avatar was that got censored.
Originally posted by Iowacheese:

QUOTE]what was your tribute to 911? I must have missed it. I would be curious why that would be taken down? Was it some over the top religious or political statement?

I really don't care what peoples religious or political feelings are. I am strong enough to believe what I believe without having to thump it in someones face. And I see the term "soft porn" used not by just you but others. Porn has different meanings to different people obviously.

If you are worried about what kids see on X4 you have not cruised the net much.

If you want to stick around to piss and moan thats your perogative. I would steer clear of basing values of people around here on how they come across on an internet message board.

Pretty sure this is a Packer board first.

I am also curious to see what your avatar was that got censored.

OK, softcore porn is an exaggeration, agreed. Nonetheless, just as with politics, there are plenty of other places on the web for girls jiggling and rubbing on themselves. Is it really appropriate or necessary here? There is alcohol in children's cough syrup too, but we don't allow kids to booze it up at the bar. The point being, it's not unprecedented that society makes attempts to shield kids from things of an adult nature. Sure, kids see just as much on cable TV everyday in a broadcast vehicle that is completely out of private control. A private website however is a controllable environment, and I would just encourage it to be more suitable for kids. But again, Boris can do with it as he sees fit.

Piss and moaning? This is the rant forum, and someone else brought this subject up. Basing values? It impossible to not develop a perception about a poster by the way that person posts, behaves, reacts. But I know what you mean. I'm really not the fuddy-duddy killjoy that I probably come off as around here either.
I will pm you about the pulled avatar
I fall in on the "prude" side of things. That said, I'm always aware of my right not to view any material I find offensive. I'm also aware this is not my site and the First Amendment does not apply here. It would be nice if everybody agreed about everything here, but then we'd be agreeing with japf Big Grin

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