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Maybe Im just being over sensative. Maybe it's the grey goose I ingest on game days.

But aside from 2007, do you recall a year since MM got hired where this team was relatively healthy? Im not saying the man is jinxed and I fully understand shi** happens in the NFL and injuries, but good grief it seems like every year some key player goes nanny foo foo and the Packers are reeling to get healthy.

Im not blaming MM or TT because none of these injuries IMO can you link to lack of training, poor workouts, etc. Nick Collins injury was as bizarre as it gets.

Kampman and Harris go down in a heap when IIRC no one touched them.

Jeebus. For once, I'd just like to see one of his teams make it beyond a week before someone falls down dead.
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It clearly gives credence (as if winning the SB with 1,435,834 guys on IR didn't) to the approach of building a ton of depth and not blowing your wad on shiny older guys who, if they get hurt leave you nothing to fall back on. Once again, that depth is going to be tested thoroughly. Injuries happen every year, but I'm with the folks who thought GB was due for some good luck on that front, since what has been happening to guys is nothing but luck - of the bad variety.
Originally posted by Fond Du Arrigo:
Originally posted by JJSD:
It's also eery that both R2's from the 2005 draft suffered major neck injuries in Carolina.

I think Terrance Murphy was a ticking time bomb with his condition, and it was going to get discovered one way or another. Still, that is a weird coincidence.

And the guy unfortunately involved in the Murphy hit, Thomas Davis, blows out his ACL for the 800th time yesterday.
Originally posted by Iowacheese:
Originally posted by packerboi:
Im just being over sensative.
I for one am shocked by this revelation.

No revelation is too sensitive.

I think a lot of teams at times have injury issues. We know about our teams more than any other team. The trick is to deal with them and keep them to a minimum while winning games. I don't think it is coincidence that the SB teams are usually among the more healthy teams in the league toward the end.

But I could be wrong .......

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