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FDL- Leroy meats is good stuff all around. Mush and swiss, Hungarian (sweet spicy), 3 cheese, Badger (mozz/red pepper), Packer (kraut inside), pineapple (amazing- hesitant to try, but love 'em now), Beer and Onion, Jalapeno, etc.

These are really good brats, so never boil them and break down the natural casing. The crock is the right low heat for these bad boys.

Pick up some brownsweiger while you are there.

Let me know what you think.
Originally posted by Henry:
Originally posted by Pakrz:
Pick up some brownsweiger while you are there.

Disgusting. Why are people so hell bent on eating cat food?

Tell me that the next time you're eating some lips and ass holes fresh off the grill.

If you're referring to hotdogs, I can't remember the last time I ate one... except for the trip to NYC. But I get the point.

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