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I don't know where to post this, so I thought I would start a thread with it. I just joined, and I imagine most here are familiar with it--so if this disappears, I'll understand and chase it down to wherever it might be--because I am interested in hearing stories.

But I just received an email from them regarding sharing stories and things, and for what it's worth, I figured I would hang it here and see what happens. Cheers.

Dear (Me);
In clicking around, you probably saw our
encouragement to:

... "share your favorite Packers story in video, audio or text format
-- or send in Packers-related digital images and photos.

What makes the Packers such a special team is that it's the only
professional sports franchise owned by fans. As a result, it is all
of our jobs to keep Packers history alive.

Therefore, we'd love for you to submit to our "Share Your Packers
Stores & Photos Contest."

You could submit something about the time you met a favorite
player. Or, why someone is your favorite -- like a special play
that still sends chills when you think about it.

Or, it could be about your first visit to Lambeau Field or, heck,
the first time you met a fellow Packers fan at a bar and became
lifelong friends.

Basically, anything green and gold is within limits.

On the 1st of each month, our editorial staff selects our favorite
and features your submission on the Home Page of the Packers
Hall of Fame website for all the world to see!

Your memories will become a permanent part of the Packers
Hall of Fame to share with your fellow fanatics and will be forever
available in our archives.

To submit your story and/or send in images, just click on this link:

You can enter our contest as often as you like. The more you
submit, the greater your chances of earning the honor of being
a winner.

Keeping Packers History Alive,

Monty McMahon

P.S. Go to to make a
submission -- any time, day or night.
Original Post

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For instance, today's:

June 24, 1992 - Packers quarterback Brett Favre and nose tackle Esera Tuaolo are among four people arrested during a fight at a nightclub in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Favre, who was obtained by the Packers in a trade with the Falcons in February, is charged with public drunkenness, disorderly conduct and profanity. Tuaolo, Green Bay's second-round draft pick in 1991, is charged with disorderly conduct. Also arrested are Favre's brother, Jeffrey, and Favre's girlfriend, Deanna Tynes. Nobody is hurt during the incident at Ropers Nightclub, and all four individuals are released on their own recognizance.

I had no recollection of this. Favre and Tuaolo partying together? The mind boggles.
Originally posted by CitizenDan:
For instance, today's:

June 24, 1992 - Packers quarterback Brett Favre and nose tackle Esera Tuaolo are among four people arrested during a fight at a nightclub in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Favre, who was obtained by the Packers in a trade with the Falcons in February, is charged with public drunkenness, disorderly conduct and profanity. Tuaolo, Green Bay's second-round draft pick in 1991, is charged with disorderly conduct. Also arrested are Favre's brother, Jeffrey, and Favre's girlfriend, Deanna Tynes. Nobody is hurt during the incident at Ropers Nightclub, and all four individuals are released on their own recognizance.

I had no recollection of this. Favre and Tuaolo partying together? The mind boggles.

That's Good Stuff, Thanks!

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