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michiganjoe posted:

Oh great, he’s become Blake Bortles

bigdoggyjude posted:
bandit posted:

This is on Arron has much as MM, pure and simple, let's pad the stats, who cares about the wins. Becoming another Favre like

This is nonsense. A lot of those Favre INT came when he was pressing for a win and didn’t care about stats. To say this suggests you really never watched or understood the Favre era. 

Oh I live and died, watching Favre. My point is AR ego is getting in the way of the big picture. Never assume that your the only Long time Packer fan here

bandit posted:
bigdoggyjude posted:
bandit posted:

This is on Arron has much as MM, pure and simple, let's pad the stats, who cares about the wins. Becoming another Favre like

This is nonsense. A lot of those Favre INT came when he was pressing for a win and didn’t care about stats. To say this suggests you really never watched or understood the Favre era. 

Oh I live and died, watching Favre. My point is AR ego is getting in the way of the big picture. Never assume that your the only Long time Packer fan here

I suggest everyone read the article on JSOnline today with McVince talking about the offense.  

Last edited by Henry

The Packers are paying for the 2015-2017 drafts.   I also don’t think marching a lame duck McCarthy out there really helps matters. 

Someone posted this team has gotten stale.  I would agree but also add they’ve become too predictable as well.  

The real pisser is I fully expect them to can MM after this year unless he goes on some kind of unbelievable run and takes this team deep into the playoffs.  Possible, but not likely.  The good news is they can turn the page and start fresh.  The bad news is it likely means a mediocre season and/or early playoff exit.  Which also means another wasted year for our HOF QB.  And it’s not like he’s getting any younger. 

Last edited by Tschmack
Pikes Peak posted:
michiganjoe posted:

Pad Rodgers?

The one good thing about this game is that it did force him to have some meaningful reps with the young guys. ESB and MVS may really benefit from this down the road. 

Tschmack posted:

The Packers are paying for the 2015-2017 drafts.   I also don’t think marching a lame duck McCarthy out there really helps matters. 


This. Kenny Clark - that's about it for guys that are above replacement level. 

2014 was the one above average draft since 2012. Three good/decent starters - Adams, Dix, and Linsley. The only guy left from 2013 is Bakhtiari - that was a home run, but it wasn't for him that draft would have been a zero as well (Micah Hyde was let go). 

Basically, the last 6 drafts have yielded a Pro Bowl LT, a Pro Bowl WR, a great DT, a safety who should be better, and a decent C. They actually got some good to great players to win with (Bakh, Clark, and Adams). They just didn't get enough solid players to go with them - especially on defense. 

bandit posted:
bigdoggyjude posted:
bandit posted:

This is on Arron has much as MM, pure and simple, let's pad the stats, who cares about the wins. Becoming another Favre like

This is nonsense. A lot of those Favre INT came when he was pressing for a win and didn’t care about stats. To say this suggests you really never watched or understood the Favre era. 

Oh I live and died, watching Favre. My point is AR ego is getting in the way of the big picture. Never assume that your the only Long time Packer fan here

I'm going to grudgingly agree. I'm not going to assign blame, but I think it's safe to say AR has now entered that BF stage. He's the old man. He doesn't exactly relate to young guys. His clock is ticking. He's playing with an injury and it isn't exactly clear if teammates will do the same. He's aware of what he's putting in and what he's risking. Idk that many on that roster can relate. Now someone said he was acting like a little bitch today.....and I agree based on what I saw. Yelling at guys, passing up throws for wvr reason. He looked like he didn't care. Not saying it was the case, but it did look that way to me. I'm not saying he's right or wrong, but I think it's time to recognize this is how Favre started to look in the last stage.

AR playing like he wants to get rid of MM. Changing out of calls, not throwing to open guys, acting the prima donna, etc. And if you look at it, AR has a contract that says he'll be there longer than MM. AR knows that and that he has a lot control over what happens to the coach. Interesting that in the J-S article MM focused a lot on how happy the Oline was after he called running plays that much last week. Perhaps he's hinting that he has been catering to AR too much, or that AR should shut up because it's not all about him. Any way you look at it, something is rotten at 1265. 

Pistol GB posted:

Favre’s INT’s were atrocious.  I think they were because he was afraid to get hit.

Rodgers is nowhere near that. 

Rodgers is on a different plane in the ability to avoid the big mistake. Favre was throwing heat all the time, and getting away with it. Rodgers is as good as there has ever been at not shooting yourself in the foot. 

AR needs to put a filter on his post-game pressers for one thing. Half that stuff he yapped after the last game didn’t need to be aired like that. No good comes of it. 

Last edited by Pistol GB

If anyone is saying that AR is no good or needs to be gone that is clearly stupid.  But if you can't see that something is not right you need to remove the Green and gold glasses.  The injury and injuries are part of it I am sure but something is different and that needs to be addressed.

Grave Digger posted:

Aaron Rodgers Poonany Curse 2018.

Guy can’t balance women and football.

Oh crap.....was waiting for this......ALL PLAYERS HAVE GIRL FRIENDS OR WIVES AND CHILDREN.  Please, this is just a ridiculous statement.    Or did I miss the sarcastic emoji??

Pikes Peak posted:

If anyone is saying that AR is no good or needs to be gone that is clearly stupid.  But if you can't see that something is not right you need to remove the Green and gold glasses.  The injury and injuries are part of it I am sure but something is different and that needs to be addressed.

Yup.....something is not right.

Goldie posted:
Grave Digger posted:

Aaron Rodgers Poonany Curse 2018.

Guy can’t balance women and football.

Oh crap.....was waiting for this......ALL PLAYERS HAVE GIRL FRIENDS OR WIVES AND CHILDREN.  Please, this is just a ridiculous statement.    Or did I miss the sarcastic emoji??

Some have wives and girlfriends.  What else you gonna do with all that time and money?  No sarcastic emoji needed.

Goldie posted:
Pikes Peak posted:

If anyone is saying that AR is no good or needs to be gone that is clearly stupid.  But if you can't see that something is not right you need to remove the Green and gold glasses.  The injury and injuries are part of it I am sure but something is different and that needs to be addressed.

Yup.....something is not right.

First- NFL teams don’t practice anymore. That’s the first thing. 

Second- he’s not practicing as much/ he’s rehabbing his knee. 

Third- he’s older and his inability to run with the knee is affecting him. 

But todays game was lost on dropped passes (again) and a complete STs meltdown. 

If the knee is bugging him that much, then make the short-and-quick throws. Don't stand back there looking for the big play, then run around to save yourself and add stress on the knee and risk getting hurt worse. Get rid of the ball.

Fandame posted:

AR playing like he wants to get rid of MM. Changing out of calls, not throwing to open guys, acting the prima donna, etc. And if you look at it, AR has a contract that says he'll be there longer than MM. AR knows that and that he has a lot control over what happens to the coach. Interesting that in the J-S article MM focused a lot on how happy the Oline was after he called running plays that much last week. Perhaps he's hinting that he has been catering to AR too much, or that AR should shut up because it's not all about him. Any way you look at it, something is rotten at 1265. 


I don’t see this ending well for MM, and maybe it shouldn’t. He’s had a good run. 

AR will most likely never turn into the int machine that Bert was, but he is starting to look uncoachable, and that doesn’t fare well for our next coach. 

I hope I’m wrong. 

Last edited by bdplant

Yup, Guttergrunt should have that ability, just as TT shuffled Sherman off. But he should have just ripped the bandage off and done it when he took over, not put everyone through this mess. I'd like to say fire MM now, name Pettine interim HC, and start searching, but that would hardly inspire confidence in any potential coaches out there. It would be interesting though, as Brady said, that AR would throw for 10,000 in the Pats' offense. Would Guttergrunt and Murphy look at Josh Daniels even after he failed miserably with Denver? 

Fandame posted:

Interesting that in the J-S article MM focused a lot on how happy the Oline was after he called running plays that much last week. Perhaps he's hinting that he has been catering to AR too much, or that AR should shut up because it's not all about him. Any way you look at it, something is rotten at 1265. 

You are taking that comment way out of context, ALL o-lineman would rather run block than pass block.... it is their chance to hit someone rather than be hit. 

Rodgers seemed like his mood was apathetic today. Didn’t really seem to phase him that things weren’t going right. Maybe he has packed it in, maybe he has something else going on. If he has given up on MM that has me worried because we saw our easily Favre plowed over Mike Sherman because by that time he has the big money contract, he had the accomplishments, and Sherman was just there to facilitate an offense around Favre and not interfere with Favre. I hope that’s not the direction we’re heading because even a HOF QB shouldn’t trump the HC. All players have to play in the offense, no exceptions.

Music City posted:
Goldie posted:
Pikes Peak posted:

If anyone is saying that AR is no good or needs to be gone that is clearly stupid.  But if you can't see that something is not right you need to remove the Green and gold glasses.  The injury and injuries are part of it I am sure but something is different and that needs to be addressed.

Yup.....something is not right.

First- NFL teams don’t practice anymore. That’s the first thing. 

Second- he’s not practicing as much/ he’s rehabbing his knee. 

Third- he’s older and his inability to run with the knee is affecting him. 

This is as good an assessment as any. More than once today he had open field he would normally scramble to and he didn’t take it. His game is off by a couple seconds, which these days is all it takes.

Those fumbles were killers. If his legs were good I don’t see them happening.

Stoopidist schit I have heard is it’s about Rodgers and his love interest.  Goddamn that’s dumb.   

Does 12 play safety?  Or rush the passer? Or catch the football?  Or call plays?  Or work in the front office and make personnel decisions? 

Our head coach is dead man walking and we have a lot of holes in the roster. Don’t be a dumbass and suggest 12 is the issue because he’s not and if you actually think that you should spend more time with Jaymo 

Last edited by Tschmack

Great.  He was the problem today.  Got it. 

How many drops (again)?  Where was our pass rush?  How many rushing attempts by 33? 

You do understand he’s the least of our problems?   Without Rodgers this is a 5 win team and we go back to NFL Siberia.  If Gute and Murphy don’t understand this they should be dismissed tomorrow. 

I realize you think MM is the modern day Bill Walsh but he ain’t.  Not even close.  He’s part of the problem.  The sooner the team understands it and addresses the issue the better off they will be. 

No, he’s not “a” problem or any problem. He has great games and good games but there is no bad game he’s played.  Including today.  

The guy is #1 or #2 best at his position - THE most important position in the game.

Teams spend years, DECADES to find a guy like Rodgers.  We are damn lucky to have him.  He’s not above criticism, but JFC coaches and GMs are a dime a dozen and guys like 12 outlast them all.  Unless you are McCarthy.  Why?  What has he done to earn the Kirk Ferentz lifetime agreement?

It’s put up or shut up time for McVince. He’s coasted for years because of outstanding QB play and pretty good GMing to add players.   



Last edited by Tschmack

Just because he’s an all time great doesn’t mean he doesn’t fukk up. The last 3 weeks he’s missed a several easy throws and missed obviously open targets. That’s A problem, also not MMS fault. GB pays Rodgers 33 million a year, more than any player in the league, to not have those issues and be the best QB in the league. Patrick Mahomes just carved up the best defense in the NFL and Rodgers scored 3 TDs against the Loins swiss cheese defense. That’s A problem.

There are lots of issues that aren’t his fault at all...coaching, drops, coverage, containment, etc. He’s not absolved of all screw ups though.

Last edited by Grave Digger
Grave Digger posted:

Just because he’s an all time great doesn’t mean he doesn’t fukk up. The last 3 weeks he’s missed a several easy throws and missed obviously open targets. That’s A problem, also not MMS fault. GB pays Rodgers 33 million a year, more than any player in the league, to not have those issues and be the best QB in the league. Patrick Mahomes just carved up the best defense in the NFL and Rodgers scored 3 TDs against the Loins swiss cheese defense. That’s A problem.

Yes. Rodgers could play better, but I don't think Mahomes comes into Green Bay right now and lights things up. That could be MM or it could be the personnel around him. It could just be that he's sick of having to play with a lack of talent at key positions over the years (or a defense that was terrible for years) and that has finally gotten to the point where his frustration is showing. 

Rodgers played a below average game for him against a defense that played well against Tom Brady a week ago. In the below average game, he lead the team to 3 TDs and what should have been 5 FGS (at least four if we assume Crosby usually makes at least 80% inside of 45 yards). That's 36 points - that should be enough. He fumbled twice - so yeas at least two possessions are on him. 

The Packers lost today in large part because Mason Crosby and Kevin King were awful. If Rodgers plays an A level game instead of C+ they might win - but when your kicker misses 4 FGs and King gifts the Lions several TDs even good teams have trouble overcoming that. I don't know if the Packers will be good this year, but if they are it's most likely to be because of Aaron Rodgers. 

Again I didn’t say he was the reason they lost today, but they shouldn’t have to settle for 4 FGs. It’s okay to say Rodgers did not meet expectations, even he would say that I’m sure. We pay him that much to do what Mahomes did to Jacksonville, not what he did to a below average Lions defense. We also pay him to turn guys like MVS into productive receivers, not be reliant on Cobb and Allison to be productive. He needs to get his sh*t together, as do others. 

Last edited by Grave Digger
Tschmack posted:

No, he’s not “a” problem or any problem. He has great games and good games but there is no bad game he’s played.  Including today.  

The guy is #1 or #2 best at his position - THE most important position in the game.

Teams spend years, DECADES to find a guy like Rodgers.  We are damn lucky to have him.  He’s not above criticism, but JFC coaches and GMs are a dime a dozen and guys like 12 outlast them all.  Unless you are McCarthy.  Why?  What has he done to earn the Kirk Ferentz lifetime agreement?

It’s put up or shut up time for McVince. He’s coasted for years because of outstanding QB play and pretty good GMing to add players.   



I would modify the last statement to say "pretty good GMing to add players from 2006-2010, especially 2006-2010. The Packers added multiple Pro Bowl lovel players from 2006-2010 - it was a great stretch for TT. Rodgers (2005) was followed by Greg Jennings (2006), Woodson (FA-2006), Tramon Williams (2007), Jordy Nelson (2008), Jermichael Finley (2008),  Josh Sitton (2008), TJ Lang (2009), Clay Matthews (2009), BJ Raji (2009), Bulaga (2010), Burnett (2010) and Sam Shields (2010), 

Those 2008-2009 drafts were as good as it gets. From 2011-2018 got Cobb (2011), Bakh (2013), Daniels (2012), Adams (2014), and Kenny Clark (2016) that were at that level. Even then, Cobb is not as good as Jennings/Nelson and Daniels isn't as good as peak Raji. 

MM may have lost the team and they might just need a change, but it's hard to make chicken salad out of chicken **** with premium draft picks being used on Spriggs, Sherrod, Rich Rod, Fackrell, Datone Jones, Randall, Rollins, Kyrie Thornton, Kevin King, and Jerel Worthy.

The Packers have been successful enough to make the playoffs every year because of Aaron Rodgers (and MM at least was good enough to develop that culture). They were good enough a couple of years to win the Super Bowl (2010 obviously and should have been in 2011 and 2014) because they had other star level players. They are 2-3 impact players away from a Super Bowl now. 

Grave Digger posted:

Just because he’s an all time great doesn’t mean he doesn’t fukk up. The last 3 weeks he’s missed a several easy throws and missed obviously open targets. That’s A problem, also not MMS fault. GB pays Rodgers 33 million a year, more than any player in the league, to not have those issues and be the best QB in the league. Patrick Mahomes just carved up the best defense in the NFL and Rodgers scored 3 TDs against the Loins swiss cheese defense. That’s A problem.

There are lots of issues that aren’t his fault at all...coaching, drops, coverage, containment, etc. He’s not absolved of all screw ups though.

EVERY player should be held accountable when a team is not playing up to its ability, win or lose. Rodgers throws for more than 400? Yeah, give him a pat on the back. Rodgers loses two fumbles? Coach needs to speak to him about ball security and kick him in the butt. Without the coach stepping up to do that, it becomes a Favre-ian situation. The other players need to know AR is going to be held accountable as well or they get resentful. 

MM is held accountable to his team as well as by fans and front office. It is his head that rolls first and most publicly if things go south.

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