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To me, Rodgers may lack in the leadership department.  He surrounds himself with the people he likes (Jordy, Cobb, Jones, etc) but freezes out the ones he doesn't think meet his standards, whatever they are... and that includes coaches as well as players.  

Brady, Brees, Wilson, Rivers... those guys lead their teams and are anything but "the problem."



I am no where near saying AR is "the problem".  He is who he is.  Part of a team that appears to have been short handed in  roster, coaching and the front office. 

The coaching has been addressed, the roster upgrade has begun and hopefully Gutey can get the FO back to sound football decisions. 

12 is what's left, the next couple of years will help to define his legacy.  I think he is up to it.  But, it is a team game.  Teams win games not individuals.

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