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I get having to learn the system takes some time, but you can’t teach hands.  You can get better, but you either have hands or you don’t.  He doesn’t.

The problem probably is that Cobb, ESB, and M. Taylor were all injured over the last 2 games. Those guys would be out there instead.

But, MVS should have been better prepared. On a kick like that, you go aggressively at the ball and have your momentum going toward the sideline so if you do bobble it, it goes out of bounds.

Adams was inconsistent as a rookie but showed what his ceiling could be with bursts of playmaking.  Rewatch the game vs. NE.

Amari hasn't shown any of that ability so far but I also don't think anyone should expect him to be in Adams' class.  His college tape would not suggest that.  But we should expect him to be a solid contributor/ #2 or 3 being drafted in RD3.

We haven't seen him much on offense, so It's hard to make any judgments.   On special teams, he is not the guy.    They need someone who can simply catch the fucking ball and make the correct decisions. 

The special teams is just so poorly coached. 

  • MVS not letting the onside go out of bounds.
  • Touching the ball on the kick return right before it's going to go out.
  • The consistent breakdown in the coverage unit.

That's not physical errors that indicate personnel issues.   That's not knowing what to do.   Physical mistakes are going to happen, you are going to get beat or drop a ball once in a while.  Mental mistakes should never happen.

Is Justin Fields really going to become decent?  No idea.  He has the physical tools, but that alone doesn’t make you an elite player.

What I see is a Bears team that doesn’t have a lot of weapons and I think Nagy is a moron.  So it’s not like he’s in a great development situation.

What concerns me about him is he got a long way to go to get better and I don’t like the fact that he’s so reckless with his body and in terms of taking care of the football.  Yes he’s physically gifted, but if you invite and initiate a lot of hits you will not hold up physically.

This is what Ketchman had to say about Fields this morning:

He's poised and athletic but he's not a natural passer. He struggles to complete what should be easy completions. His release is low and slow and for as mobile as he is, he doesn't throw well on the run. Fields could limit the candidates available to the Bears in their head coach search. In my opinion, not every candidate is going to want to attach his job security to Fields.

@DH13 posted:

This is what Ketchman had to say about Fields this morning:

He's poised and athletic but he's not a natural passer. He struggles to complete what should be easy completions. His release is low and slow and for as mobile as he is, he doesn't throw well on the run. Fields could limit the candidates available to the Bears in their head coach search. In my opinion, not every candidate is going to want to attach his job security to Fields.

He’s a baby right??  First year???  Gotta a long way to go, but…….I’ll say he’s got that it factor…..JMHO.  

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