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...sorry, if you feel this belongs in the other thread...but I think it warrants its own discussion.

I just listened to the crew on ESPN's Around the Horn.  Then listened a few minutes to NFL talk on XM radio.  I have to say, all these talking heads (OK most of these) are missing a huge point.

I agree it was not a face-mask penalty on Rodgers, after having seen the slow motion, close-up replay.  But, I have to believe that 95% of the impartial people watching that play would have called it a face-mask in real time.  And guess what, that is when the officials have to make the call.  

There has to be a line somewhere.  Do they really want every penalty reviewed?  What's next after that, every penalty that is not called reviewed?  We would be talking chaos of Biblical proportion.  

You can't say the officials got it wrong, when every single aspect of the play, as it unfolds in real time, makes it appear that it was a face-mask.  Maybe Rodgers pulled a fast one (more power to him if he did) or maybe it was just an amazing set of circumstances or maybe it was actually a face-mask.  It doesn't matter, in live time, it looked like it and that is how you have to call it.

As a Badger fan, I just sat through the exact opposite with the non-catch in the Badger game.  It looked like a catch, but was ruled to not be a catch.  I understand Lion fans' anger, but it just can't be done any other way.  I don't understand Viking fans anger, but it just doesn't matter.

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It was a face mask. He pulls Rodgers mask albeit with a finger but that's what it was. I do not know what else ppl want. Does Rodgers head have to get half ripped off for other fans to be happy?

The Lions allowed GB to hang around way too long. Then the played perhaps the worst defense you can on a hail mary play as described here

That's why they lost. End of story.

There is no rule on the minimmum number of digits that must be contacting the face make to have a penalty, or the minimum amount of time for said contact. NFL used to have minor (five yard) and Major (15 yard) designations, but dropped that to simplify it. In real time it sure look like the hand hooked the mask before moving to the shoulder pad, but please recall last year when Brad Jones merely grazed the head of Stafford to get a roughing the QB call. Plus TWO refs threw flags in real time.

Florio feels that by the letter of the rule, it wasn't a facemask, but he clearly failed his logic class.  The rule states that if the fingers grasp the facemask without immediately releasing it, it is a penalty.  But that doesn't mean if the player immediately releases the facemask, it's NOT a penalty.  Even if the actual grasping of the facemask was brief, the continuing impact of the motion on Rodger's helmet resulted in a sudden twisting of his head/neck to the side.  That is the whole point of the penalty - to protect a player from that sudden twisting motion causing an injury. 

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