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Originally posted by Pakrz:
Originally posted by trump:
A problem ... I think CMartin is dead.

Dead? What happened to him?
It was kidney failure of some sort. He died back in early 2005.
Marinelli was especially animated after that play on the sidelines. I didn't see it as a dirty or intentional hit, just one of those football plays that happens and it was clearly a penalty.

I heard someone give the excuse that Peppers turned his head sideways which showed it wasnt' intentional. He actually did turn it to the side but that was caused by the impact.

I don't know how anyone can say Peppers didn't see that penalty comming. He was a high up on AR's body as you can get. What was he expecting to hit? Same with Briggs, that was an intentional slap to the head.

The way I believe it to be true is this:

The bears coaching staff knew they needed a momemtum changer, and tried to wratchet up the intensity. Big hits to the QB, followed by screaming at the refs, stomping up and down, etc - all to get the momemtum on their side.

Marinelli is a jerk-wad and also is sitting at home as a dejected loser today.
Originally posted by michiganjoe:
I didn't see it as a dirty or intentional hit, just one of those football plays that happens and it was clearly a penalty.

Disagree. There is almost never any reason that the tackler's helmet should be the first thing to make contact with the ball carrier 99% of the time. Or to be more precise, the head should be slid off to the side and the shoulder driven into the ballcarrier. Why do they even bother wearing shoulder pads anymore? The helmet spearing approach isn't new or unique, but it absolutely cheap IMO. It continues because the NFL allows it.
You cannot so much as blow a snot rocket on the QB's head. That was a helmet to helmet hit on the QB. It's a flag every time.

No, I don't believe the hit was intentional. Accidental but still a penalty
Nickel and dime fines for multi millionaire players are never going to deter them. Needs to be ejection from the game based upon referee discretion. If ejected, also loss of game pay. Guranteed that would greatly reduce the amount of blatant helmet to helmet shots.
Peppers will be fined

I will be very surprised if that happens. The NFL is not passing out fines in their Championship games unless of course it is Favre, Brady, or Manning that takes the shot.
Originally posted by Wisconsin Johnson:
I'm wondering how much Peppers' hit affected Rodgers 2nd half accuracy, or lack thereof.

I thought the same thing. He definitely rushed the next 2 throws.
Even if Aaron didn't have a concussion after the hit, I guarantee you he had a headache. As a guy that suffers from migraines, I know how much trying to do anything when you head is damned difficult.

To Aaron's credit, he got up, and kept going. Nobody can question his toughness!
Originally posted by Boris:
You cannot so much as blow a snot rocket on the QB's head. That was a helmet to helmet hit on the QB. It's a flag every time.

No, I don't believe the hit was intentional. Accidental but still a penalty

Boris, I'm a little disappointed in you ... A few more hits like that on Rodgers and IMO, he will be sat down for a good long while maybe permanently.

IMO, these hits and headshots informational facts are like the whole smoking informational facts leading to cancer ...

How anybody in their right mind smokes is beyond me, I will never understand that with all the data, visual evidence and seeing people die left and right.

This head trauma thing in football is on a similar path as more and more is released aboutthe repercussions. This is the head and Central Nerve System we are talking about not the knee, shoulder, limbs in general ...

IMO, Rodgers is on the fast track to a limited career and possible permanent damage if somebody doesn't watch out over this stuff. He plays with reckless abandon and it will have to be someone other than himself to ultimately protect him. Hopefully, the organization steps up big time to protect the person and the investment.

Peppers hit was intentional or better put, "it fulfilled its intended purpose". NO question.
It doesn't matter what anyone's opinion is on the itent or not. If we say it was intentional, will that reduce the effect it has on the brain? Or if we say it wasn't intentional, will that maaybe lessen the effect it has on the brain?

My point is, why question someone's opinion and back it up with an opinion on what effect it has on the head?
IMO, Rodgers is on the fast track to a limited career and possible permanent damage if somebody doesn't watch out over this stuff.

That is my only reservation about Rodgers. How long will his career last, considering he's already had two dingers.

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