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Much like FOX news we need to be fair and balanced....

This team is 9 and 6 since the KC game last yr. Of those 9 wins there were 2 in which the Pack looked like a real SB winner (Bears this yr and Texas) 3 or 4 of those wins were just that, wins. Altho they went into the win column there was no way we can say that the team dominated. In a couple of the losses they just plain stunk (Indy and Giants). Injuries have decimated the team, some will be back this yr and we can be pretty sure they will help the team (Matthews, Shields and maybe Jennings). Woody will be back but face it, he ain't the old Woody. Some will not be back this yr (Bulaga). They have a line that cannot block be it in the run or pass game. We have a kicker that may or may not make a kick longer than 45 yds. The D, altho seemingly better is relying on very young players and seems to get pushed around by physical teams.

In short they are what they are....a team that can beat teams they should beat and seem to struggle with those who are their equals or better. A team that really is just a bit over a .500 team.
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