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What's up with officials awarding gratuitous 1st downs to any player that gets close on first or second down? I can't tell you how many times this year I've seen players stopped a full yard short, only to be awarded a first down without measurement.

Not sure if it's a concerted movement to favor offensive production, or merely another sign of official incompetence in light of increased reliance on replay, but either way it irks the hell out of me.

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Originally posted by The GBP Rules:
Which game are you referring to? I'm guessing the Seahawk game? That was an absolute farce at the end. It probably didn't matter much but it sure didn't help the Rams cause.

That spot in the Rams game was inexcusable, and certainly is one example, but I feel it's been a season-long trend. I can't tell you how many times this year I've watched a 9 yard gain on 1st down, expected a 2nd and 1 play, and then the "1st and 10" graphic pop up.

Maybe it's just me, but I've noticed it a ton this year and it's become a pet peeve of mine.

It's just not spotting the ball, B-N-D, it's...well, everything.
I can't tell you how many times watching a replay I'll see at least one ref, sometimes 2, being right on top of a play, in perfect position, and just absolutely blow a call. Mostly on sideline or endzone plays, but also plenty of reception, fumble, and PI calls. Not to mention the missed penalty calls that are so obvious that Ray Charles could see them.

As an aside, I had a thought watching some of the bowl games over the holidays:
One announcer mentioned the ref crews were chosen for these games based on their performance during the season. Not that much different on how the crews are chosen for the playoffs and SB, I'd guess. My thought is why not have a big pool of refs available every season? If their performance is reviwed after every game, the ones that 'fail' could be forced to miss their next assignment. I would think after this happens a time or 2, their eyesight and/or reasoning would improve. More than 2 times, they can go find another line of work.
Originally posted by chickenboy:
Just curious, are people coming to this conclusion by watching the networks "yellow" line? If so, I wonder if that has been off more often?

That may be part of the problem, CB, but there have also been plenty of times where the ball's nowhere near the sticks.

I'm inclined to agree with the "speed up the game" theorists. (I definitely notice fewer measurements on first and second downs than in year's past.) If accuracy is, in fact, being sacrificed to offset ridiculously long replay challenges and additional commercial breaks, then that's a real shame.

Originally posted by justanotherpackerfan:
I've noticed the benefit of the generous spot for first downs for a couple of years now.

My guess.....the officials probably have a mandate to do so because: speeds up the game provides more offense

great post....good insight...

hey...wait a minute...

...that sounds vaguely familiar to another post earlier
Originally posted by Johnson:
I agree, the only time the league wants to stop the game is for commercial time--bringing the chains out costs money.....maybe they could put ads on the sticks---that would solve it.

LOL, and an ad that appears over the game with a voice over:

"This measurement brought to you by Early Detection Pregnancy Company - because close calls deserve a second look."

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