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It was all over the league on Sunday. If you see a receiver running into the flat all alone, chances are the defender covering him was picked by a crossing route or a slant. I don't recall seeing any flags on Sunday across the league, and it's very rare that the defense will get this call.

So how is this allowed to continue? How is it that this obviously illegal play is allowed to go unchecked? The rules are more than set up for the offense to have an advantage- they don't need unpenalized illegal pass plays too...
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Music, pick plays have went the way of the "uncatchable" factor in PI calls; that is, it's largely ignored. I don't know if this is by choice, or refs don't (or can't) recognize it, or from other factors, but you do see it regularly from week too week.
4Favre, you're absolutely correct. I'm all for every player pushing the envelope at their respective positions, especially while the replacements are calling the games.
Funny...did you see Tramon Williams' tweet about this? He's not amused:

Tramon Williams ‏@HighRizer38
It's crazy how the commentators talk about the pick play like the quarterback is smart. the play is illegal and never gets called. ridiculous
Williams is right. It never gets called, and it should be. When they first came into vogue it was called. Now, it seems to be an accepted play. If that's the case, then fine. Maybe the Dback can then be allowed to push the receiver without penalty. Or, MM should call it on every play for easy yardage.
I think it's a scar on the game. Like travelling in basketball- it's embarassing to see a blatantly illegal play seemingly purposefully not called a penalty. It's interesting that Williams is Tweeting about it... that's how bad it's getting.
Pakrz, remember when I mentioned how the league can keep some control on a game?

This is one of them. They want offense because it's exciting. The league has coached these replacement refs to do their bidding. Gotta keep that shield "untarnished" right?

I know this much, I'm placing a small wager on the Packers tonight. If the Packers lose, it isn't the end of the world, but I won't be able to trust them the rest of the year.

Lose 3 games straight at Lambeau? With this team?!? Inexcusable!

Ridiculous, blatant pick play to free up Megatron late in 4th quarter. Knocked Niner defender down entirely. No flag. Megatron with a 20+ yard gain.

I expect more of the same with replacement refs.
I pledge allegiance to the NFL and to the unions they make stand. One league which hungers for money, embraces replacement refs and whatever you can get away with for all.

- only $3 mill separate the owners & refs. They sneeze more than that away on other bad deals. So why wouldn't they want to do something that maintains the integrity of the product for that.

- the more the players are allowed to get away with, the more they will try to get away with. Last nights pulling a ref away from the pile by a player should have resulted in a expulsion from the game. Instead, nothing was done.
Agreed. Mr. Goodbar is losing control of the situation. He needs to step up and get a deal done ASAP. It's not so much the safety of the players now -- the players will take care of that -- it's more about the integrity of the product. If Goodell cares about that, then he'll get something done. If not... it's going to be a very long season.
The real refs will always blow calls. But things like blatant pick plays go away ASAP when they come back. Same with guy's being jammed 20 yards downfield which was far worse in week 2 than week 1.

The real refs aren't perfect. Hard to defend a group that screw things up like a coin toss. But watching the replacement refs not know where to spot the ball after a penalty (twice last night) and then have to watch some guy in a dark track suit on the sideline stop play so he can converse with a ref that they screwed up while he talks with someone else upstairs for 45 seconds is a disgrace. It's turning into open mic comedy hour. Goodell is wrapped up in Bounty discussions selling us the importance of protecting the integrity of the game while defending these refs by telling us they are more than adequate.
Nothing wrong with the reffing ... sometimes hope&change kills a buzz or just killz as the cooler crowd would say Smiler

Don't be fooled, forget about football games betting, Buy Oil stocks ... its the sure bet. Smiler
No, we'll never stop complaining about the refs. But the vast majority of the folks in stripes now aren't doing the job, and it's the basics they're screwing up. The missed penalties right in front of them, the willingness to let themselves be bullied by coaches, the hesitancy in which they throw flags, etc., means they don't get it. There will always be wrong calls and missed calls, but at least they made some call.
Originally posted by kramer:
Funny...did you see Tramon Williams' tweet about this? He's not amused:

Tramon Williams ‏@HighRizer38
It's crazy how the commentators talk about the pick play like the quarterback is smart. the play is illegal and never gets called. ridiculous has been seldom called and (I think) even less so this year.
One of the major things I think the 49ers did much better than us is plan for the refs. I am not mad at them, it was a smart plan. They told their DBs to grab and hold WRs all over the field. They planned to run picks. All of this was to push the boundaries and see how bad the calls would be, what would be missed. Our DBs kept getting picked because it got missed and Harbaugh planned for it to be missed. Our WRs were getting mugged because Harbaugh knew there would be missed calls and taking our receivers out of the game would win. Smart.

Add to this the foaming at the mouth early in the first game. Harbaugh is either crazy or the smartest coach. Since he keeps winning... I think there is a high shance that he planned to explode in a large and scary way to intimidate the replacement refs. Smart.

In this season, the smart coaches will be planning for the refs. Not doing so will eventually (if it hasn't already) cost you games.

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