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Originally posted by pduck:
I don't see this as Cutler vs Rodgers because I don't think Cutler at his best can beat our defense. Rather, I see it as good Packers against the bone-headed Packers. The only way we lose this game is if we make a lot of stupid turnovers and mistakes.


cutler has never played well against us. watching the 2 games this year today packers left A LOT of points off the board with bad penalties and turnovers.

Bears had a horeshoe up their ass all year long. its coming out tomorrow.
There's one area where the Bears have a clear-cut advantage, and that's special teams. From top to bottom, they're superior to the Packers in that aspect. Everything else is a draw at worst, to a clear Packer advantage at best.

If the Packers play simply adequate special teams (don't let Hester go yard), and commit no turnovers, I simply can't see them losing. One or two turnovers and a Slocum special? Can't see us winning in that scenario.

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