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There is so much to say about this performance. Just a "wow" performance all around.

I know it was just one game, but the Packers demonstrated true greatness in this performance. They took a couple early hits and then floored the pedal and steamrolled the best team in the NFC.

Between Rodgers' Apex performance and the Defense's incredibly dominant performance, we really have finally seen what this team is capable of.

I want Chicago... I know Seattle would be an easier game, but I want Chicago. There's just so much more at stake there...
+ In the 2006 pre-season, I watched Aaron Rodgers play and believed he would never make it in the NFL. Today I watched Aaron Rodgers, and frankly, he looked like he has the potential to make it to the Hall of Fame. This may have been the greatest performance by a QB and his receivers in the rich lore of Packer football history. Unbelievable job by the receivers other than the Jennings fumble, and unbelievable job by Rodgers and the O-line. As close to perfection as we've ever seen.

- Ah sure there were a couple of bad plays, but today was a historical day in Packer history, and because of that, I refuse to hang any negatives on this team even though you can find a couple.
The +'s are enormous and many to number.

If someone put a gun to my head and tried to pick someone who didn't come to play today, I'd say Mastay, from what I saw from sideline shots, clearly didn't come to play. Even some of his practice punts I saw in the background were telling of him not being dialed in. Had the Packers had to punt, I'm not sure we win this one with how Mastay appeared on the sideline.

Hell of a win.
In a game like we had tonight, one must really nitpick to come up with negatives. But, with that being said:

Jenning's fumble.
Not taking advantage of the FP after the Falcons failed on their 4th down attempt.
Crosby's miss.
And, of course, the Weems TD on that KO return.
Which leads me to Slocum. There's NOTHING positive about his coaching. Period.
Oh, and a few calls by the refs sucked big time, too.

To be fair, positives:
Arod. Man, was he in the zone tonight!
Ditto for Driver, Jones, and Nelson.
Tramon. How this guy isn't DPOY, I'll never know.
Raji. Although he is a bust, he is an incredible player. Getting sacks when that's not even his main responsibility. Did I say bust? Sorry, I meant BEAST!
Whoda thunk we'd be where we are today way back in the first five games or so when we were all crying "uncle" as the injuries started piling up?

Like Aikman said, only a small number of times (I think he said 3?) has a team lost 91 games by starters and not one of those teams managed to win even six games in a year. Helluva job by ALL the coaches, and TT for building a deep roster and his ability to restock the cupboard when it was bare.

These coaches and these players? Priceless.
Originally posted by BeerGuy:
If someone put a gun to my head and tried to pick someone who didn't come to play today, I'd say Mastay, from what I saw from sideline shots, clearly didn't come to play. Even some of his practice punts I saw in the background were telling of him not being dialed in. Had the Packers had to punt, I'm not sure we win this one with how Mastay appeared on the sideline.

Which leads me to Slocum. There's NOTHING positive about his coaching. Period.

Of all the coaches, Slocum has had to deal with the most player changes. The fact that the special teams look decent is quite frankly amazing. Mastay has improved drastically from the beginning of the year and the coverage teams have been much better as the year has gone on. Sure they gave up a TD today to a pro-bowler, but they basically shut Hester and all the good Philly returners down the last couple of weeks. I think Slocum has been fine.
+ Is there anything Rodgers doesn't do well? He's improved every facet of his game from year to year. I try to think of Qb's to compare him too but he's honestly the most complete QB I've ever seen play. He has a little of everything. Today he took the game from Ryan. He elevated his game and dared Ryan to match him and Ryan folded. I don't think I've ever seen Rodgers as in tune to the pass rush as he was tonight. He escaped from four or five sacks and turned them into positive plays.

+ Tramon Williams putting stuff on coaching tape that will change the way offenses play our defense.

+ nice to have a game where we weren't on the edge of our seats with two minutes left.

+ extra day of rest
You guys can spin it any way you want. I won't argue, either, because you guys do have valid points. However, look at what Capers and his position coaches have had to do on defense. With street FA's! Ditto for MM with the offense, but I credit Bennett and even Campen (gasp!) just as much for dealing with the injuries at their respective positions.
Slocum....not so much. We were lucky tonight that the rest of the team were able to overcome the ST gaffes, but I personally don't want to have to do that week in/week out.

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