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Originally Posted by Tschmack:

Panthers will get destroyed by these guys next week


Carolina has a great D but if GB can only score 20 against those guys what do you think they will do?   10?  13?  



Didn't Carolina beat them already in SF? 

Originally Posted by Sep:

I second (or  third) that. Starks was great this year. He is a perfect compliment to Lacy. 

Nice compliment given to Starks and I agree he is a really good complement to Lacy.

Originally Posted by BrainDed:
Originally Posted by El-Ka-Bong:

Scoring in the red zone.  Been a problem all year and it simply shouldn't be. 

Exactly...  1rst and goal in 4th quarter with 6 mins left..  The previous drive we ran the ball down their throats..  Mike decides it's the perfect time to get cute and put Cobb in the backfield..   


We dominated the between the tackles all season long..  Mike never trusted it, especially in the redzone.

I hated that "cute" call as well.  Hated it.  That is when the game started going off the rails.

+ defense.  I am amazed the Pack did as well as they did.  Capers earned his living this specific game, in my opinion. 


+ Pack was not out-physicaled and that even shocks me.


+ Running game


+ Jordy as usual


+ Cobb


- drops (Hyde, Jones)


- offensive start for the Packers


- 1st and goal failure when it counted most



-hmm...let me think..."moral victory" i guess




- we lost to the Niners for the 4th time in a row.


tough game, they played them tough but they should have won and they didn't. sucks.

just ****ing sucks. 

Last edited by bubbleboy789

A few positives:

Starks and Lacy. 


Tramon with the pick



The reverse to Cobb in the redzone. What the hell was that? Just a throw away play.

The pitch outs to Lacy. The guy's not at full speed with a bum ankle, and you're asking him to run five yards towards the sidelines before he even turns upfield. San Francisco's defense is too strong, and too fast. By the time Lacy is moving north-south, their guys are in a position, clogging the running lanes, and abusing our offensive linemen/lead blocker. 


Did Andrew Quarless even play today? Where were the short passes across the middle to the tight end, or to the slot receiver? When a defense is bull rushing the offense, the best way to slow them down is the screen pass, or a quick, high precision passing game. The passes we called took too long to develop, and our offensive line wasn't able to give Rodgers the time necessary.


Bush. Again. 



McCarthy getting roasted by Milwaukee radio station 1250 about the question being asked about not calling the TO at the end of the quearter, and MM saying that it was a "transitional opportunity" and being condesending about it.  WTH is that kind of an answer?

Originally Posted by turnip blood:

Why do the Packers keep getting killed by injuries and SF comes through the game completely ok?


SF is physical. usually the more physical teams dish out the punishment rather than take it. Weve had trouble with SF because they simply push us around. Were a finesse team. LAcy helps that, we jut need some punishers on the other side of the ball or were not going to be able to get past these chumps.


Thats how Seattle, CArolina and even the Rams play them well

about the question being asked about not calling the TO at the end of the quearter,

Which play are they talking about?  Or are they talking about mismanagement of the clock at the end of the first half?

The biggest time management issue (for both teams) was wasting timeouts. Green Bay used one in the first half and one in the second half to avoid a delay penalty. Stupid…why take the play clock down all the way every time. Also, surely in some situations a TO is worth more than five yards.


At end of half, I didn't have a major issue with the time management. The killer play was the penalty called on Bak. That was a weak call, especially in a game where you were letting both sides play. Without that penalty, they are inside the 10 with plenty of time to take a few shots.

+ I won't have to hear Aikman and Buck do a Packer game for a year

+Overall not a bad game.....I have positive feelings for next year


-Starks needed more carries--Lacy is a beast, but the ankle slowed him down...

Originally Posted by WolfPack:
Originally Posted by turnip blood:

Why do the Packers keep getting killed by injuries and SF comes through the game completely ok?


SF is physical. usually the more physical teams dish out the punishment rather than take it.


Yeah the Packers are a bunch of pantywaists.

Last edited by Boris

All the blather about SF being the tougher team was BS today.  GB was bringing it with the skeleton crew they had left on D.  They were out of position on a couple big plays but they were stuffing Gore on most runs off T and even got in K's face at times and were physical with their WR's.  With an even up roster health-wise we win this game.


Aside from that, too many missed opportunities by both O and D.  Can't do that in a playoff game.

Last edited by DH13

Can I also just add one more negative that ended up being meaningless?


How the hell is House offsides on that last kick. I realize he's going for the block and all, but could you imagine if he missed that kick and he got that penalty?  That's like the Perry play at the end of the Pitt game. Bring in a new special teams coach.


We made the playoffs after losing Rodgers for half the season.

We found a left tackle who, although he got beaten a couple of times today, has been far better than expected this year. When you look at his body of work, you have to be encouraged for next year's line.

We finally have a running back to take some pressure off Rodgers.



Losing to effin' SF and Harbaugh. Can't stand them. 

Our profit/loss sheet will show a lot of dough going to doctors for injured players -- again.

July and TC is a long way off.

EDIT ADD: I am going to hate having to listen about how great Kaeperdink is for at least another week. And yes, they've had our number but I don't care. I'm PO'd we lost.

Last edited by Fandame

plus - I am so glad I do not have to work tomorrow.  I have a one day buffer before facing the onslaught.


Well, at least it was a close game and not an embarrassment.  We maybe their bitches, but at least we are tough bitches. Packers played tough today and I do not think they were out muscled.

MM didn't allow them to be the physical tea! In the end... See 1rst n goal at 9 with 6 mins left.  Perfect time to be the NFC North Champ on frozen tundra.... Err, trick play to write in backfield, 2 passes.

Originally Posted by BrainDed:

MM didn't allow them to be the physical tea! In the end... See 1rst n goal at 9 with 6 mins left.  Perfect time to be the NFC North Champ on frozen tundra.... Err, trick play to write in backfield, 2 passes.

I'm boozed up and typing on a tablet

Originally Posted by Boris:
Originally Posted by WolfPack:
Originally Posted by turnip blood:

Why do the Packers keep getting killed by injuries and SF comes through the game completely ok?


SF is physical. usually the more physical teams dish out the punishment rather than take it.


Yeah the Packers are a bunch of pantywaists.

Well lets see twice I can think of 49ers going specically for the knees of our LBs to take them out of a play.  Both players were injured on those plays.   Which to no surprise is one of GB's most beaten up.  I think even after that ... Kappy starting running more.   Watching a one leg Mulumba run after Kappy was not fun.  If that is Clay or healthly Mulumba, not sure Kappy makes the corner for the first down, but I don't know that for sure.  

+ Played a tough team in tough conditions almost even up while losing starters again and again.

+ Took davis out of the game.

+ Jordy, Cobb, Lacy, Starks, D held them to 23


- How the hell does their OL stay intact the last 3 years? Our OL has been playing chineese fire drill at the same time.

- Losing Sammy was the one that was finally the last straw.

- Why the hell do we always start soooooooooooo slow and dig a hole?

- So sick of hawk, raji, and bush I can hardly stand it.

- Slowdum has to be 86'ed if no one else.

- Hyde, you had both hands on the ball and an open field in front of you. Then they score.

- Where where the screens? And Quarless only had one pass thrown to him.

Last edited by LarseeBear
Originally Posted by packaddict:
Well lets see twice I can think of 49ers going specically for the knees of our LBs to take them out of a play.  

Saw a bit of this yesterday.  Maybe our O-line needs to take some notes.

Well, today on Mike and Mike, Golic mentioned the Hyde mistake and he said it was inexcusable.  For goodness sakes, his assignment is CONTAIN and he literally chooses to place himself INSIDE (thereby giving K the whole left sideline) and right into Gore.


What the F is that?  He took himself out of the play.


The House near INT was also mentioned.


I am still in downer mood.  Like I said in a previous post, outside of the succesful chip field goal, once the Packers were 1st and goal, in retrospect, to me it was like a train riding to the promised land suddenly just getting completely derailed.


Right off the frigging tracks.


The stupid cute call when SF has contained everything and yards always came via mano on mano, primarily Lacy. 


House missed INT.  Hyde blown assignment.  FG block attempt that misses by inches.



Originally Posted by Deadhead Archer:
Originally Posted by packaddict:
Well lets see twice I can think of 49ers going specically for the knees of our LBs to take them out of a play.  

Saw a bit of this yesterday.  Maybe our O-line needs to take some notes.

If this is accurate, I am starting to despise the 9'ers.  And Harbaugh makes me want to puke.

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