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Originally posted by Johnny Boy:
Rodgers missed an easy TD on first down after the turnover and Nelson took the ball from a shorter defender on the TD. ARod misses a wide open Jennings against the Giants and missed an open guy against San Diego last week. Not good. 3 in a row can get in one's head.

I've seen Rodgers look better, but that said, he's without 2 of his 3 favorite targets and 3 of the top 4 RBs are out as well. He did pretty well despite that, and the Pack was rolling on offense until the Cobb fumble.
1st team O-line is going to be good
Newhouse looks better
Woodson with a nice strip
DJ Smith has the instincts - dude is a hunter
McMillan can play at the LOS - now let's see you cover
Masthay is a stud
Franciouwaexpealadocius made some nice plays on ST and at LB
Bush Mad made some plays
DJ Williams can play
Actually thought Datko looked like he had corrected his technique quite a bit

Harrell stinks, weak arm, inaccurate
Running game is awful
Cobb's ball security
D-line got pushed around
No significant pass rush
secondary looks soft, except for Tramon
O-line depth is scary bad
Manning better show something soon
Preseason game:

Hard to say anything about the Offence a lot of missing parts last night, and the packers had a lot of guys playing who will never make the field much less the team in the regular season. MM seemed to be looking at a lot of guys last night.
The Defense has me worried, except for the Super Bowl year the defense has always played bad in the preseason and it carried over into the regular season. If the Defense is bad again this year is it time to start thinking about replacing Capers? Of course if the defence plays good it is all becouse of me becouse I lite a fire under Caper's behind with this post.

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