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When the Packers defense is on the field for a lot of snaps it is a benefit for the Falcons offense.

But when the Packers are on offense "I would bet that his offense is bound to make a mistake (or at least get tired) if they have to drive the length of the field."

Advantage Falcons again?


I quit reading right there.
IMO, I thought a lot of the points were spot on when you look at it from what these teams have done to this point ... the antidotes are too simplistic though.

IMO, the single biggest factor today will be how Dan Compers handles the "Big Lineup" from the Falcons in order to get favorable down and distance situations. The Pack win that battle and Turnover battle and they are going to NFCC game.JMO.
Originally posted by YATittle:
I love the conclusion and completely agree.


This is nothing short of spam. Gee YA, why do you "completely agree"? Do you agree with the concept of playing hurry up offense to keep the Packers in their base defense for matchups? Is that what you agree with? Problem is the Packers haven't played their base defense on a regular basis due to injuries. Its been more Okie than base. Is that the part you "completely agree with" or are you just posting articles because you can't think for yourself?

Not only that, but if the Falcons can keep the Packers DL heavies (like Howard Green, Ryan Pickett, and BJ Raji) on the field for a high number of snaps, fatigue may open running lanes late in the game.

Hmmm, how many times have we seen this line up on the field? I bet I can count it on one hand. Do you agree with that? Let's also look at the completely simplistic conclusion that if you keep the defense on the field they will get tired. That bit of deduction is truly on jeniouous level there.

I wouldn’t be so stupid as to think that I could blitz my way to victory. Instead, I would preach that my defense should bend (16th in yards allowed) but not break (5th in points allowed). Even if Rodgers only threw 11 interceptions, I would bet that his offense is bound to make a mistake (or at least get tired) if they have to drive the length of the field.

"Bend, don't break" (never heard that before) and the Packers offense will get tired but not the Falcons offense? I'm sure you completely agree with that. It's only logical that the Packers are in the playoffs with numerous injuries because their conditioning on both sides of the ball is abysmal. You completely agree with that? Holy flippin' dumb.

holly says:
What’s more, the Packers offensive line struggled against Atlanta last time, both in run-blocking and pass protection.

linked idiot blogger:
If our DTs can get through the O-line, it also allows us to generate pressure against both the run and the pass, something we struggled with last time (generating only one sack and allowing numerous middle scrambles).

I completely agree! What? Guh.

I’m not as worried about the hype getting to the players as I was last week, but it still may be a factor – coming off a week’s rest where all they’ve heard about is how the Packers are the “hot team who is coming to invade Atlanta,” the Falcons are plenty riled up. It’ll be up to the Packers to set a physical tone early and not let up.

Gee, a link to talking about the Packers/Falcons rematch. Yes, a virtual bevy of hype there. That would make my head swell and I'm sure you completely agree. Then holly goes on to link a blogger throwing out stupid like this:

Now the tagline is that the Green Bay Packers are not only red-hot, but they’re the team that no one wants to play, and they’re even throwing in the fact that they are completely balanced and have one of the best running games in the NFL. Their defense is stuff of legend with having Jack Tatum, Mean Joe Green, and Mike Singletary lining up on that side of the ball.

Should the Falcons just forfeit? Fans should just sell their tickets because the Packers will win this one in the 1st quarter, right?

Has anyone heard this from any pundit or writer? Anyone? Of course not but YA completely agrees. Has anyone seen this type of hyperbole except from this idiot blogger? No, but according to holly its the best pregame take.

holly's conclusion:
For the Packers to win on Saturday, they must take responsibility for their own play and do the little things right – the tackling, the ball security, the blocking. If they play as unselfish and motivated as they have in the last few weeks, we’ll have a lot more football to look forward to.

A truck load of hyperbole to state the obvious. I completely agree.
holly's conclusion:
For the Packers to win on Saturday, they must take responsibility for their own play

I like that one. It's a novel concept. I actually disagree, and would have preferred that GB brought the Queenies with them so they could blame them for any bad plays instead of taking responsibility for them. Holy crap.
... yeah, its so much easier that way and a lot more fun, the Queens are such a joke whats not to laugh about?

Go frickin Pack Go!

(BTW JJSD, I'm laughin equally as hard at your avatar because thats exactly the movie reference I was thinking of last week at the end of the Philly game. More gray hairs came out on that final drive that I'd like to think about. Smiler)

Go Frickin Pack Go!
For the Packers to win on Saturday, they must take responsibility for their own play

Okay this might be one of the stupidest assessments I have ever seen. Who the hell would GB shift the responsibility to, maybe the Badgers, the Brewers, how bout the bears.

Man, if someone got paid to write that BS, I got to find me a job like that. Even better would be to find a couple 1,000 stupid customers who would buy it. Apparently, I could find a few right here at x4.
Now the tagline is that the Green Bay Packers are not only red-hot, but they’re the team that no one wants to play, and they’re even throwing in the fact that they are completely balanced and have one of the best running games in the NFL. Their defense is stuff of legend with having Jack Tatum, Mean Joe Green, and Mike Singletary lining up on that side of the ball.

Should the Falcons just forfeit? Fans should just sell their tickets because the Packers will win this one in the 1st quarter, right?

So this is the best local-flavored pre-game analysis? Actually, if it did indeed come from the AJC, I could believe it. Probably the most biased, prejudiced newspaper still in print, IMO.
Originally posted by Sally-Ka-Nancypants:
McCarthy has to sit down with them in get them in the mentality to win

might as well call this the "admit you were right" thread
Not sure why all the hate for Cheeseheadtv. Holly (not sure if it's a girl or a guy--could be a last name) writes these every week and I think does a good job. Falcons hurryup offense was a moot point the way our O wore them down.
But long drives by the Packers offense was a negative.


"I would bet that his offense is bound to make a mistake (or at least get tired) if they have to drive the length of the field."

That is some stupid right there.

Pack had what 2 80 yard TD drives and 2 90 yard TD drives?
Yes, and you can see those long drives really hurt GB. At least they took responsibility for their own play - that may have been the difference right there. I thought it was a mistake not bringing the Queenies. I should probably issue my mea culpa in the Admit You Were Wrong Thread.
Not sure why all the hate for Cheeseheadtv.

I've been there a few times... read a few things... came to the conclusion that the content sucks and is on par with places like Packerchatters. Looks like stuff I could cobble together. Believe me, that's not an endorsement.
Originally posted by YATittle:
Not sure why all the hate for Cheeseheadtv. Holly (not sure if it's a girl or a guy--could be a last name) writes these every week and I think does a good job. Falcons hurryup offense was a moot point the way our O wore them down.

We're happy for you and Quit spamming the board with mediocre, cliche ridden blogposts.
Originally posted by YATittle:
Not sure why all the hate for Cheeseheadtv.

You're obviously a big fan. Care to share what's so special?

Every time I look, all I see is the kind of amateurish, "consensus board" takes, written at about an 11th-grade level, you can find any number of other places.

Having a blog doesn't always equal having something interesting to say or saying it well.

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