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Originally Posted by Pakrz:

I know Hyde has the skills to bounce around the secondary, but I'd like to see him find a home and stay there.  He's such a good football player that I think he'll turn into a pro-bowl type player if he gets an opportunity to stay in one spot. 

MM3 has said it enough times and his play shows it to any idot.  Michah is a football player.


I agree.  And I think he'll find his spot.  Burnett best be worried.


If anything, it breeds competition which should make everyone better.  I feel it's the same thing at LB right now. There are going to be some damn hard choices and rolls of the dice on who makes it through waivers.


Then again, there's 31 other teams worried just the same and drooling at the extra 3 spots.  They all do their homework and all have ideals on folks, mostly who they know.


It's going to be interesting!

Originally Posted by Fond Du Arrigo:

If it were up to me, 21 and 33 are your starting safeties week 1.

Big statement... I always found it interesting how Burnett gets a free pass because the "talent around him sucked."  I call BS on that theory.  I keep hearing Burnett is a really good player but I just don't see it on the field.  Hopefully that changes this year. 

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