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I just got my Sporting News magazine today, and they are predicting the Packers to go 15-1, the loss coming to the Chefs, and repeating as Super Bowl champions. They also asked Tramon Williams about division bests:

Toughest to bring down: Adrian Peterson

Toughest to cover: Calvin Johnson

Most respected: Antione Winfield

Biggest rival: bores

Best stadium (other than your own): Soldier Field. No doubt about it. It's legendary. I hate the grass, and it's a terrible field, but it's history speaks for itself
(I guess when the other 2 choices are the metrodump and ford field, Soldier Field has to win by default)

Opponent you wish wore a Packer uniform: We're good on that. We don't need any players from anywhere else. We've got what we need.

On first glance I did not think that the schedule looked that bad for the Packers, but I see several trouble games away and at home with young teams looking to make their mark. Games against Tampa, New Orleans, Chicago early season @ chicago, Oakland, KC, San Diego, ATL, @ Detroit all seem like tough games to me. We will win some of these for certain, but the games against the Rams, Vikes, Bears, and Lions at home wont be true gimmees either. The only real easy game I see on the schedule is the Carolina game Week 2. The Broncos game could go many ways.. if they are losing and turn to Tebow - I dont think there is a chance in hell they beat the Pack either.

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