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Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by Goalline:
Originally Posted by Henry:

It's like a hooker but it's not a hooker.

I think they prefer to be called whores.

I'm so insensitive.

Free range.

Originally Posted by packerboi:
Originally Posted by GBFanForLife:

Read online and clear your cookies. Or do as Boris says.


I thought the term was "icing cookies", but okay. 

Last edited by Dr._Bob
Originally Posted by BrainDed:

Go incognito mode in chrome to avoid Jsonline's pathetic attempt to charge for online access.

FYI....JSonline reads this forum regularly. Thanks for letting the secret out.

This is how a computer dinosaur does it:


start> all programs>accessories>system tools>disc clean-up

Run disc clean up and it'll clear all your cookies, even the ones you've already iced

Then put disc clean-up on your desktop and run it as often as you need


You can also clear out your Temp folders: C>windows>Temp

select all and delete all


Mac-O-philes ? you're on your own

I can't help myself and MUST add an anecdote here:

My 2nd wife had a Grandmother that died, and apparently requested for this Elvis impersonator to sing at her funeral. Now, God bless her if that's who she wanted, but it was ........AWFUL!

I was thinking some guy who may happen to look/sound like Elvis had 2-3 of his gospel songs picked out (quite plausible, no?) and that would be that.

Instead, it was the typical overweight guy in a white jumpsuit who sounded a little like, and looked nothing like Elvis. He indeed did sing a couple of gospel songs, but they were replete with the arm windmills and poses similar to the pic above!

Damndest thing I've ever seen! To this day, I can't see/think about Elvis or funerals without that memory dredging up...

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