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Does any reward come from of playing in the Pro Bowl? Not personal rewards, but some sort of Conference reward? In Baseball the League winner of the All Star Game gets home field advantage through out the World Series. I realize you cannot do that in football, but I'm wondering if Goodell could find a carrot to dangle in front of the players to make the game more meaningful. Otherwise, I'd say why play a meaningless game if there's any chance of getting injured. 

As a kid, I remember really enjoying the NBA and MLB All-Star games but have no memories of the Pro Bowl. Don't really watch any of them anymore but for some reason I really enjoy the player intros for the MLB All-Star game.

What cracks me up about the Pro Bowl is with all the player safety concerns, they still choose to play another meaningless game. What I would do is have a Super Bowl preview weekend gala in the host Super Bowl city and have an awards ceremony, musical guests and stuff like player 'Jeopardy.'

They could also have stuff like a field goal challenge, longest passโ€ฆstupid stuff like that. Hey, I still watch the NBA dunk contest!

Last edited by chickenboy

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