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11. Green Bay Packers (12th)

Run Rank 10th, Pass Rank 11th, Penalties Rank 26th

Outside of problems with injuries and some real issues at left tackle (whoever lined up there), the Packers line were one of the more reliable groups in the league. This was built on an interior that allowed very little push up the middle, and a fine second year from Bryan Bulaga (+14.6). This was a unit that may not have dominated the better defenses, but it allowed their skill players to flourish.

Best Player: A tough one with the entire right side of the line impressing. However, Scott Wells (+18.0) was the most complete player, and losing him could prove huge going forward.

Worst Player: In fairness to Marshall Newhouse (-40.6), he had some good moments, and the man he was forced to replace, Chad Clifton (-11.1) wasn’t much better in a fraction of the snaps. You won’t find as bad a display as Newhouse’s roasting at the hands of Jason Pierre-Paul in Week 13.
(12)= 2010 ranking.
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