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then it is a punchline to the aristocrats joke.

nicely done Green C!! 


Fandame and I were ripping Stafford's throwing mechanics before the season and laughing that no one has ever reined him in on that sh*t.  There is no consistency to his release and motion and I doubt he'll ever get it all together as long as his coaches let him get away with it.  However, he's sorta "exciting" with his crazy gunslinger routine so the suits probably don't care as long as tickets are being sold.


win 2 and we win the divison - whodathunkit.  unreal.  Pitt is on a bit of an upswing and the cold won't affect them too much.  I sure hope we don't stumble at home.  of course, that worry mostly goes away if AR gets cleared.


oh, and finally, I hope Jim Schwantz is coach of the Lions forever!!

Last edited by Tdog

Love the closeup crowd shots after the second to last Stafford INT. Look on their faces: same old Lions. After the last INT there were no such closeups because it would have had only the back of their heads as they were leaving. And, yeah, Schwartz giving up, holding onto the timeouts and running up the white flag was a puzzler....

Originally Posted by bubbleboy789:

Rodgers isn't playing this week any way so I wouldn't get too excited. 

Like my predication in the GB/Dallas game thread,  Green Bay will win by at least 10 on Sunday without Rodgers, but Rodgers WILL play against Chicago for the division title.

YA, if I'm not mistaken, Schwartz didn't bother with the TOs because on first down Rice ran for another first down. At that point, all the Ravens had to do was kneel down. 


Geez, it was fun to see the Lions melt down yet again although watching Megatron muff several was puzzling...

Tdog, you're correct. We were ripping Stafford's throwing motion earlier this year. He has more arm angles than a 5-year-old pitcher. If Stafford ever got a QB/head coach who would demand better things from him, he'd be very, very good. I get the feeling that he's been allowed to do whatever he wants, and thus wants to take over "that ol' gunslinger" mantle from Favre. So, how's that working out for Tony Romo?


It's scary to think what a good coach would do with that talented Lions' roster. May they keep Schwartz forever!

The current crop of slingers are direct descendants of Farb.  They grew up watching him play and being idolized by the media.  Thing is, he was good enough at points in his career to make the throws he needed to make and win when he needed to win, in spite of his flaws.  These new guys taint good enough to pull that off.

And the best part is, Detoilet extended the chunky fratboy for a really long time. He's going to be whipping INT's for many more years ahead.


What a sad state the NFC North is...2 teams have a shot to beat the Packers for the title, because AR misses 6 games, and they still can't git'er done.

Originally Posted by DH13:

The current crop of slingers are direct descendants of Farb.  They grew up watching him play and being idolized by the media.  Thing is, he was good enough at points in his career to make the throws he needed to make and win

Bingo.  When Favre was at his peak, he might throw that 1 INT every game, but he'd get hot at some point during the game and come out with a win. 


After Favre turned 30, Holmgren left, injuries hit, foot speed declined and he wasn't quite the player he was from '94-'98 and looked closer to what guys like Stafford and Romo are today but still was a step above.  Make no mistake, the Favre of '94-'98 was a great player, a winner, and guys like Stafford, Romo are just pretenders compared to that version of Favre.  He wasn't voted for 3 straight MVPs because he sucked, he was the real deal in the mid to late '90s.   

Would Romo, Stafford and Cutler be better if they had the Packers teams of the mid to late nineties lining up with them?  Would TOG be 3 time MVP playing with the current bears, boys and kitties?



Bert of 94-98 with Jeffrey, Marshall and Forte?  Bert of 94-98 with Calvin freaking Johnson and Reggie Bush?  Bert of 94-98 with Dumdum Bryant, Witten and DeMarco Murray?



Last edited by JJSD

 Bert with the pathetic D and dysfunctional ownership in Dallas, Bert with the laughable coaching in Detroit.  I recall the TOG had quite the D behind him and a real strong GM and coach behind him.  I 'll give you the Bears.


My whole point is just that while it is the most important position a QB does need help and a solid team behind him.

And my point is that as big of a schwantz as Bert turned into as he got older and more entitled, IMHO many of us forget just how great a player he was, especially before he lost his legs.  The point wasn't whether or not Bert would win a SB with those teams, it was whether or not he'd have won MVP's.  IMHO, with what on paper is actually better WR and RB talent than what he had, he would have.  


Romo, Cutler and Stafford may be Bert wannabes, but in terms of actual talent none of them deserve to smell Bert's morning ****s.  

Last edited by JJSD

Bert of 94-98 with Calvin freaking Johnson


Good lord. DC's are quivering just thinking about it!


Even old man Favre is better than Stafford, Romo or Cutler. 


These 3 remind me much more of Jeff George than Favre

Originally Posted by Pikes Peak:


My whole point is just that while it is the most important position a QB does need help and a solid team behind him.


Just recently someone (using your login) posted that the Packers/TT/ MM's success was due to having Aaron Rodgers on the roster.


Welcome back to Reality; its really quite nice now that they've remodeled the place



Just got done icing another batch!  NO, REALLY, I actually work for a living and am at work.  During the week, I can just check into X4 on a break.  Glad I've been able to give some of you something new to enjoy picking on.  See ya later!

just a thought....but...concerning Schwantz not calling any timeouts at the end:


I don't think it would've made any difference if Schwantz used his timeouts or not.  The Ravens just got a first down on that long run by Rice.   So, Schwantz would've used Timesouts BEFORE the new 1st Down play....AFTER the 1st Down Play; and AFTER the 2nd Down Play....the Ravens would run 3rd down and the clock then ticks to 00.



SanDiego, Just what I said further up the page. Once Rice ripped off the 19 yards, he was smart enough to just go to the ground knowing that his run clinched it, even though Schwartz had all three timeouts left. 


I would have thought Schwartz would have used one of his TOs to try to ice the kicker. Listening earlier to Kevin Siefert on KFAN who was at the game, Siefert said the sideline for Detroit was a mess. He mentioned that after Detroit scored the TD to go ahead that their sideline players and everyone was jumping around like they had won the Super Bowl while the obvious thing to do was go for 2. Siefert said there were coaches running around trying to get guys organized and on the field, and he was surprised there wasn't 15 guys out there for the 2-point play. 


Just a reflection of their coach...

Originally Posted by Stevie:

  See ya later!

I know that if three people have sex, they call it a "threesome."  And if two people have sex, it is called a "twosome." 


I can speculate why some call you "handsome."

sorry FanDame...I didn't mean to steal your thunder....I didn't see your earlier comment...good analysis....Rice is a smart running back...


I'm still tickling myself over the game last night....what a game..

Originally Posted by Herschel:

If Stevie actually runs/works a bakery that makes a good pumpernickel I could give him props. That's respect bread.


The proof of the cookie is in the icing...

I think he’s an accurate passer,” Schwartz told the media at his day-after press conference, via Dave Birkett of the Detroit Free Press.  “Matt’s a very mechanically sound quarterback.”

So his HC can't even see what is obvious to everyone?

Therein lies their problem and my joy.

His mechanics are a mess.  He changes his arm angle on almost every pass.  If it wasn't for Megatron, Stafford would be just another strong armed QB that lacks the accuracy and intelligence to be a great QB.  Just look at the Packers game when Megatron was out: 9 points on our sh**ty defense.  

Originally Posted by Stevie:

  Glad I've been able to give some of you something new to enjoy picking on.  See ya later!

If you are going to do an I'm leaving thread,    JUST DO IT!!!

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